So one meaning of "make out" is to hear or see what a person is saying. 所以"make out"的一个含义就是听清楚某人说的话。 Or if you see an object in the distance and you can't really tell very clearly what it is, this means that you can't make it out or you can make it out...
make out meaning, definition, what is make out: to be just able to see or hear something...: Learn more.
The meaning of MAKE OUT is to complete (something, such as a printed form) by supplying required information. How to use make out in a sentence.
Make the light out. to carry away; steal: While the family was away, thieves made off with most of their valuables. try to become friendly with; fawn on. to make advances to; flirt with: He makes up to every new woman in the office. ...
They were trying tomake outthat I'd actually done it.───他们正在努力证明我真的干过这件事。 I can'tmake outwhether this letter is an e or an o.───我认不出这个字母究竟是e还是o. The poem is so complicated that I cannotmake outits meaning.───这首诗太复杂,我理解不了它的意...
make a mountain out of a molehill : to treat a trifling matter as of great importance make away with 1 : to carry off : steal made away with all the money 2 : kill make believe : pretend, feign made believe that everything was all right make bold : venture, dare ...
As far as we canmake out, the damage is due to improper packing. 根据我们弄清的事实, 货损是因包装不善而造成的. 期刊摘选 The poem is so complicated that I cannotmake outits meaning. 这首诗太复杂,我理解不了它的意思. 《简明英汉词典》 ...
make out的词源 make out(v.) 大约1600年,“get along, succeed”来源于make(v.)和out(adv.)。 “获得清晰的理解”一词的意义来自1640年代; “视觉上辨别或发现”一词的意义则始于1754年; “与某人发生性关系”的意义可追溯至1939年。 同样来自于: c. 1600 ...
"get along, succeed," from make (v.) + out (adv.). Sense of "obtain a clear understanding… See origin and meaning of make out.