make-or-buy-analysis网络分析 网络释义 1. 分析 74.a.进行“购买”还是“自造”的分析(make-or-buy-analysis)这种分析采购计划工具,用来决定特定产品是否可以由项目执行机构自 …|基于28个网页© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
This paper discusses an optimization model of a make or buy analysis for a manufacturing company in order to minimize the manufacturing costs and the quality loss in terms of manufacturer and customer quality loss. A numerical example is provided to show the application of the model using a ...
Purpose: The aim of this research is to develop two stages optimization model on make or buy analysis and quality improvement considering learning and forgetting curve. The first stage model is developed to determine the optimal selection of process/suppliers and the component allocation to the selec...
A Make or Buy Decision refers to a decision made to either manufacture a product/ service in house or buy it from outside suppliers (outsourcing) based on cost-benefit analysis. This decision is made using quantitative or qualitative research and most of the time, the results of quantitative ...
1.什么是makebuy分析? 首先,我们需要明确makebuy分析是什么。Makebuy分析是一种决策分析方法,帮助企业在外包和自主开发之间做出明智的选择。通过对成本、风险、时间和资源进行评估,企业可以根据特定情况决定是否将产品或服务外包给第三方供应商,或者自己开发。 第二部分:优点 2. makebuy分析的优点是什么? Makebuy分析...
Originality/value - It develops a more precise assessment of the impact of each make-or-buy decision-making criterion and investigates the relationship between this impact and a number of independent variables. 展开 关键词: Greece Outsourcing Decision-making Make-or-buy ...
A Fictitious Example Let’s take an example. You make a product for which you need sheet metal parts. One hundred different sheet metal parts, to be precise. You currently make all of them in-house. Now you conduct a make-or-buy analysis based on the cost, comparing the best supplier ...
The normative implications of TCT have been questioned. Through our meta-analysis, we provide more insight into the relation between governance choice and performance by explicitly incorporating the selection decision. Section 2: Transaction Cost Hypotheses ...
(2011): Make-or-buy decisions regarding temporary agency work - An empirical analysis of the decision process and expected effects. International Journal of Human Resource Manage- ment, 22(15), 3127-3145.Alewell D, Hauff S (2011) Make-or-buy decisions regarding temporary agency work—An ...