其他的程序们ctest用于运行和报告测试结果的测试驱动程序,cpack用来生成安装程序和源包的打包程序,cmake-gui是 cmake 的图形界面,ccmake(注意ccmake比cmake多了一个c)也是用于图形界面,与cmake-gui不同的地方在于ccmake是基于控制台(terminal)的图形界面。 1.2 CMake设计初衷是为了什么? CMake设计的出发点在于...
If you're exploring Linux or Unix, you might hear the terms terminal, command line, shell, and console, and you may justifiably be confused about which is which and whether they're the same thing. They're definitely all related, but there are nuances to each that have important implication...
Set-ItemProperty-Path"HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp"-namePortNumber-value<Hexportnumber>Stop-Service-NameTermservice-ForceStart-Service-NameTermservice Set the firewall for the new port: PowerShell Set-NetFirewallRule-Name"RemoteDesktop-UserMode-In-TCP"-Loc...
USES_TERMINAL:指示命令是否会使用终端。 通过使用 add_custom_target,可以在构建过程中定义各种自定义的构建目标,例如运行测试、生成文档、执行代码检查等。这些目标可以依赖其他目标或文件,并根据需要执行自定义的命令或操作 add_custom_target 命令不会生成实际的构建产物(如可执行文件或库),它只是定义了一个自定义的...
Brief Issue Summary I use Cmake Tools "launch" to build and open the program in one go. it compiles then open a "Cmake/Launch" terminal where it trys to launch the program . But something happened ,now after building the program doesn't ...
For Linux curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim Vim Plugin installation Open nvim, then input command :PlugInstall to install all plugins Or run in terminal nvim -c PlugInstall Note: coc...
With the Windows Terminal 1.19 Preview we are introducing several new features such as the Suggestions UI, Broadcast Input, and Web Search. The Suggestions UI is a new UI element in Windows Terminal that provides text suggestions to the user. These suggestions can come from rece...
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: the following commands to configure the current terminal and record the$(TERM_RESET)' >&2; \ printf '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: changes in your shell configuration file (%s):$(TERM_RESET)\n' "$$shell_config_file">&2; \ ...
其他的程序们ctest用于运行和报告测试结果的测试驱动程序,cpack用来生成安装程序和源包的打包程序,cmake-gui是 cmake 的图形界面,ccmake(注意ccmake比cmake多了一个c)也是用于图形界面,与cmake-gui不同的地方在于ccmake是基于控制台(terminal)的图形界面。
root-terminal: $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -u root photoprism bash migrate: go run cmd/photoprism/photoprism.go migrations run generate: go generate ./pkg/... ./internal/... go fmt ./pkg/... ./internal/... gettext-revert: @echo "Reverting changes in assets/locales/messages.pot...