My husband has never had a problem with any kind of laundry detergent that I've bought for years. I decided to make some homemade detergent. He has been breaking out with big red splotches all over. I'm using Borax; Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda; OxyClean; Fels Naptha; Baking Soda...
Laundry Soap– While extra oil is great for skin, it can cause buildup over time when used to wash clothes. That’s why most laundry detergent recipes suggest using soaps that are specifically made for laundry care and don’t contain extra oil. Two of the most popular are Fels Naptha and...
For example, I make my own washing detergent that will last for several years. The proportions are one grated bar of Felds Naptha soap, one cup of Borax and one cup of washing soda. I don’t want a 1/4 box of this or that laying around. So, I freeze the soap after it has air ...
Most recipes recommend using about four tablespoons of detergent for a regular-size load of laundry, which is a quarter of a cup. Dedicate a measuring cup to the laundry room for easy use. Or look at the empty caps from your last store-bought liquid laundry detergent bottle. Some have lin...
This has become my favorite liquid soap recipe because of its simplicity. Using refined coconut oils, it’s very inexpensive to make. It makes a clear, light-colored liquid soap with a clean scent. Homemade Liquid Coconut Oil Soap Making your own homemade liquid coconut oil soap is simple,...
When you use the tabs, add them in with the load and not in the separate area for detergent (if your machine has one). They won’t dissolve properly without enough water. I think my first attempt at making my own laundry detergent was successful. And I’m a fan of anything that save...
own liquid soap nuts laundry detergent. To do this you can put 4-5 soap nuts in a cup of very hot water for approximately 3-5 minutes. It also helps to agitate the water some to help release saponin. Then, add both the water and the usual bag of soap nuts to your cold water...
If you've had less success with liquid laundry detergent in your slime-making endeavors, switch to a contact lens solution for a foolproof alternative. Remember, the magnetic feature comes from the iron filings reacting to a strong magnet, meaning the slime won't stick to metal surfaces by it...
1/4 teaspoon liquid dish soap 1 cup lukewarm water Combine the ingredients. Use a spray bottle to apply the solution over a large area, or use the solution to spot-clean non-greasy stains. (Do not use laundry detergent or dishwasher detergent in place of liquid dish soap, as they may ...
1 cup of laundry detergent (store-boughtorhomemade) 1 cuppowdered dishwasher detergent 1 cupbleach 1/2 cupborax Directions: After filling mywashing machineon the hottest water setting, I added a large pot of boiling water for good measure. (The original comment from OGT reader Katie specificall...