Something I find fascinating with these abstract smoke compositions is that they resembleRorschach InkBlots. Everyone interprets them differently and can see different images in what are, after all, just random patterns of drifting smoke. The titles on these shots are what I interpret. What do yo...
So I try to make abstract images.Creating an abstract image reduces the number of details required, and therefore 1 megapixel is very sufficient to contain the details of the images, and thus, as the image is enlarged, it will not appear faded. For better e...
create by mental act, create mentally - create mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands create, make - create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses" actualise, actualize, realize, substantiate, re...
22. reach a destination, either real or abstract; "We hit Detroit by noon" "The water reached the doorstep" "We barely made it to the finish line" "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts" 23. institute, enact, or establish; "make laws" 24. carry out or commit; ...
“Abstract art image for PowerPoint presentation background.” Part 3: 3 Ways to Add Picture Backgrounds in PowerPoint Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make a picture and background on PowerPoint using 3 different methods. Method 1: Click the Insert Tab ...
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井田内地质构造比较简单,主要为纵贯井田东西的天仓向斜,属于低瓦斯矿井,无煤尘爆炸危险;本井田主要有三层可采煤层,按埋藏深度从浅到深分别为三号煤层、九号煤层和十一号煤层,平均厚度分别为3.75m、3.25m、3.20m,煤层倾角4o~7o,平 Abstract: This design through introduced in detail the Shanxi Lu'an five ...
2023 The internet provided a fertile new stage for my proclivity for make-believe. Kira Homsher, Longreads, 14 Mar. 2023 Noun From the boy’s mother, police learned that Dallas had recently developed an interest in a game in which players assumed the roles of fantastical heroes who slew ...
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Abstract Beauty Company Corporate Culture Entrepreneur Event Festival Floral Food Fun Generic Health Holiday Minimalist Modern Nature Online Store Organic Professional Promo Quirky Retro Technology Get inspired with the latest logo design trends and news ...