My bow is ready.箭已上弦。 Where shall 1124 linuxmint吧 siyucn521 升级新内核,virtualbox出错安装了最新的kernel4.4内核,virtualbox不能用了 错误信息如下 ~ $ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup Stopping VirtualBox kernel 分享61 linux吧 jalawoº 用aur的时候遇到这种报错怎么办6:15.34 error: could ...
Hi guys, I have ran into an issue where when trying to make an academic offering at the university, the action disappears. I have worked out that this only happens when I have a baked good in my Sims inventory. I have also tried running an errands for Agatha Crumplebottom ...
In the tasks of the Mayor’s mansion some tasks are to “have friends.” You earn Sim Cash for these tasks. Let’s be friends! My code is V946VZ See you in the game! No RepliesBe the first to reply About The Sims Mobile
Hello my English speaking friends! My name is Daniel and i'm Russian player, and my English not so good, sorry for that. I've been playing apex for about... - 8556456
I can't make makeup darker nor less saturated, and I can only partially change the hue, it seems only the opacity slider is working right, but the left half of all others don't do anything to any makeup, cc or not, anyone else have this? And if so, do you have...
Re: Unable to make substitutes I can't change my player. There is no option to change in the middle of the game No RepliesBe the first to reply About FC Mobile Technical Issues
My opinion. The game is actually really good. Pros: the game is really beautiful. Graphics, materials, player movements, animations. The number and essence of the game mechanics are amazing. It's really cool. Controls are really great (skill stick), throwing, passing are so diverse, ...
What happens when the bug occurs?I have a rainbow egg in the possession of my Sim (I tested with two different Sims who both have the ability on the refrigerator to make the Rainbow Animal Treats... however this is greyed out if they don't have the three eggs required, an orang...