聽書《笑傲股市》(完結)第四章 有聲書《How to make money in stocks》作者 威廉.歐奈爾(william j.oNeil)讀書书田小匠 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1.8万 38 06:06 App 史上排名第一的短线指标:BOLL,1天获利8%成功率100%,堪称极品!用一次准一次! 7.6万 29 03:19:16 App ...
一、Can slim法则几点启示 作者认为把钱交给一些不靠谱的机构是不对的,倒不如看一些投资书籍,然后加入一个兴趣小组讨论来的舒服。 构建自己的投资组合和原则。 追涨杀跌,在上涨时买入,不过多的关注市场新闻资…
我也希望更多有志、并想长期在股票投资方面有所作为的朋友,有时间就翻翻、读读这部好书,就像这本书的名字一样,你一定会从中悟出How to Make Money in Stocks(如何在股市里赚钱)的真谛,从此笑傲股市。
Unfortunately, this system was really too simple to work very well on large US stocks. If you bought the top 50 stocks out of the S&P 500 every four weeks over the last ten years, your performance would be no better than the S&P 500 index (I’m using 0.25% slippage). The same is ...
How to Make Money Selling Stocks Short 这本教大家卖空股票的书的作者之一是大名鼎鼎的William J. O'Neil,秉承一惯风格,没有高端的学术讨论,只有不断地强调那些中学水平都能看懂的常识,而这些常识却在实际操作中经常被大家抛之脑后。书中从选时、选股到要注意的问题都有涵盖,还有案例教学。以下节选一段说为什...
When you decide to work from home and learn how to make money trading stocks, you need to think about what your overall goal will be. Most new investors fall into one of three categories: Income-oriented – these type of investors look to make a small amount of money on a regular basis...
Trading stocks offers you flexible work hours. Trade as much or as little as you want to. Learning to trade stocks is like a rollercoaster—it is exciting, terrifying, and massively fun all at the same time! I have tried many different ways to make money online. My wife and I have sta...
(1) the next day trend of trading stocks Through the analysis of the stock that has come to a limit, the average increase of the highest point on the next day is 6%, and the average return is 2.8% according to the closing price of the next day. Therefore, if the short-term interven...
1、帕伯莱引述芒格的话说,“you don't make money when you buy stocks; you don't make money when you sell stocks; you make money by waiting” 这里其实已经提示我们,投资体系要解决一个关键问题是“怎么样去waiting”,如果有一个正确的姿势,waiting的时候你会更加舒服、也消耗更少的自制力。大部分投资者...
To make money in stocks, stay invested The key to making money in stocks is remaining in the stock market. Your length of “time in the market” is the best predictor of your…