My prayer is always that I didn’tshatter you both irreparablybefore it was too late to see the error in all my formerly broken ways. Indeed, it is true that I love this hard because of both of you, and while we all know that it’s impossible to go back and change a single thin...
When George Bush asked me to sign on, it obviously wasn't because he was worried about carrying Wyoming. We got 70 percent of the vote in Wyoming, although those three electoral votes turned out to be pretty important last time around. —Dick Cheney 58 Whether we or our politicians know ...
This past year has probably been the best of my life, rich and thick with the gooey goodness of life. And I don’t think that what I’ve learned and the ways I’ve changed can help but stick with me in the days to come. Thanks for riding along, friends. Filed under: Uncategorized...
house few american use place during without high again home around small however found mrs part thought school went say once general upon war left every don't does got united number hand course water until away always public s something fact less though far put head think set called enough ...