Unity3D:设置GameObject为半透明 参考文档:https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Shader.Find.html 改变color的alpha即可。 关键:Transparent/Diffuse 1 2 3 Material material =newMaterial(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse")); material.color = Color.green; GetComponent<Renderer>().material = material;...
the two are different in rawmaterial, glaze and firing temperature.Comparedwith pottery, porcelain has tougher texture,more transparent body and finer luster.It iscalled china in English because it was first made in China.Porcelain promotes
There is also quite some transparent space, due to the platform, (l have indicated the sprite’s bounds with a red rectangle) which shows that some “wasted” memory is allocated just to store the empty pixels in the texture. Can I pack them in a way such that I use the transparent p...
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This slowly reveals a purple material underneath. // A script that manages ambient color.var AmbientManager = pc.createScript('ambientManager');AmbientManager.attributes.add('startingColor', { type: 'rgba', title: 'Starting Color', description: 'The starting color for the ambient'});Ambient...
transparent town's touches tory torrio tickets threats thoughtfully theodore territorial symptoms swore sweeping sweater sustain survivors surviving survived superiority superb sunset structured strips stare spirited speeds spectrum speakers sox solitary singular singers simplicity shy shells shattered shallow ...
💰Resemble- Resemble's voice cloning engine within Unity Board Games Tools for making board games 🆓Boardgamizer- Board Game Design Idea Generator. 🎉RPTools- a brand of open-source programs designed to enhance traditional pen-and-paper role playing games. ...
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🆓 StickyPNG - Free transparent PNG images. 🆓 TextureHaven - Free textures with additional maps like displacement and bump maps. Also HDRIs. 🆓 TextureKing - Free material stock textures 💸 Vecteezy - Free Vector Art. Spritesheet Tools 🎉 Cheetah-Texture-Packer - High efficient and fa...