message(STATUS"1.4 list_sublist_new_1 : ${list_sublist_new_1}") list(SUBLIST list_sublist12list_sublist_new_2) message(STATUS"1.4 list_sublist_new_2 : ${list_sublist_new_2}") list(SUBLIST list_sublist1-1list_sublist_new_3) message(STATUS"1.4 list_sublist_new_3 : ${list_sublist_n...
list(INSERT <list> <index> [<element>...]) list(POP_BACK <list> [<out-var>...]) list(POP_FRONT <list> [<out-var>...]) list(PREPEND <list> [<element>...]) list(REMOVE_ITEM <list> <value>...) list(REMOVE_AT <list> <index>...) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES <list>) list(TR...
在这种情况下,你可能需要一个选项,逐步将事物分解成更独立的单元——可能要把它们放在单独的构建管道中,或者只是为了在一个更小的范围内工作,这可以被如 CLion 这样的 IDE 加载。 你可以通过在嵌套目录中的 listfile 添加 project() 命令来实现。只是不要忘记用 cmake_minimum_required() 它前缀。 由于支持项目...
Update:201412310925 ---*/CREATEFUNCTIONdbo.FMakeRows(@numINT)RETURNSTABLERETURN(SELECTTOP(CASEWHEN@numISNULLOR@num<0THEN0ELSE@numEND)ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDERBYa.object_id)AS'RowNo'FROMsys.all_columns aCROSSJOINsys.all_columns b) ---更新:201501061241--- 评论中有朋友提到不如用with,我理解他说...
list(FIND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES cxx_variable_templates result) if(result EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "I really need variable templates.") endif() 正如您可能猜到的,为每个使用特性编写一个测试文件是一项艰巨的任务。即使是 CMake 的作者也建议只检查某些高级元特性是否存在:cxx_std_98、cxx_...
class ApplyRecursive(Decorator): def __init__(self, *types): super().__init__() if not len(types): types = (dict, list, tuple, set) self._types = types def call(self, arg): if dict in self._types and isinstance(arg, dict): return {key: for key, value ...
list(INSERT INLINE_OPTIONS 0 "__inline__ __attribute__((always_inline))") endif() endif() foreach(inline ${INLINE_OPTIONS}) check_c_source_compiles("${inline} static int foo(void) { return 0; } int main(void) { return foo(); }" INLINE_WORKS) if(INLINE_WORKS) set...
Currently, valid arch extension combination should match the order of bpv.Here is a list of valid arch extensions:ARCH_EXT=b: RISC-V bitmanipulation extension. ARCH_EXT=p: RISC-V packed simd extension. ARCH_EXT=v: RISC-V vector extension. ARCH_EXT=bp: RISC-V bitmanipulation and packed ...
abc: | x y z From make manual: Order-only prerequisites can be specified by placing a pipe symbol (|) in the prerequisites list: any prerequisites to the left of the pipe symbol are normal; any prerequisites to the right are order-only: targets : normal-prerequisites | order-only-prere...
One of the coolest novelties is that in Glyphs 3, you cancustomize your own list ofLanguagesin the sidebar.It comes with a bunch of large world scripts pre-filled, but click on the plus button next to it, and in the UI that pops up, remove the scripts you never work with, and add...