termux:适用于X11显示的Debian系统xfce/kde恢复包,集成WPS、QQ、360浏览器 1252 2 0:14 App 低延迟打通ubuntu和windows系统界限doge 5452 9 14:41 App 最后的plasma5! KDE plasma 5.27LTS正式版发布 亮点抢先看! 4393 1 5:45 App 【OpenWRT】配置OpenVPN客户端 844 -- 4:07 App Ubuntu 22.04安装Visual...
Plasma for the Desktop. Contribute to KDE/plasma-desktop development by creating an account on GitHub.
根据当前的壁纸改变KDE Plasma的颜色。 Requirements Qt5 KDE Frameworks 5 cmake extra-cmake-modules GNU gettext utilities Build git clone --recursive https://github.com/IsoaSFlus/kcm-colorful.git cd kcm-colorful mkdir build cd ./build cmake ../ make sudo make install #Then set your plasma ...
Kubuntuis the same OS as Ubuntu but with aKDE Plasma. This is a desktop environment that offers a more traditional experience compared to other Linux distros, much closer to what you know from Windows. Further, Kubuntu also ships with its own suite of tools such as a file manager, text e...
Also read:10 of the Best KDE Plasma Applications You Should Try 1. Multimedia Controls This isn’t so much of a tip as it is something that’s good to keep in mind. Plasma keeps multimedia controls everywhere. You don’t need to open your media player every time you need to pause, ...
KDE Plasma 桌面的一个强大的特性就是它巨大的自定义潜力。 提到自定义,改变主题或许是最普遍最直观的方式。 不是说默认的 Breeze 主题不好看。只是你的 Plasma 桌面可以通过新的主题和图标得到截然不同的外观。 让我来帮助你。我将分享一些好看的 KDE Plasma 主题,你可以从中选择。我还会在文末展示安装主题的步...
How to Make KDE Plasma Look Like Mac OS Big Sur,于2020年07月24日上线,由faonecze上传。西瓜视频为您提供高清视频,画面清晰、播放流畅,看丰富、高质量视频就上西瓜视频。
KWin is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and mini...
Steps to reproduce Open telegram on Linux Enable tray icon Expected behaviour Icon from generic place like /usr/share/icons/hicolor is used instead of a hardcoded one, so that different icon themes can provide tray icons for telegram ins...
@Boss-U My fork works perfectly fine on arch with KDE plasma kwin and other blurring compositors! https://github.com/ckissane/vscode and unlike glassit it keeps the text full opacity 👎 1 Contributor Fmstrat commented Jun 22, 2020 @Boss-U @ckissane Yikes: This branch is 10 commits...