I used to have⌃⌘Tmapped to do this for Terminal.app, so I created aKeyboard Maestromacro to do this foriTerm 2instead: The first step, the AppleScript code, launches a new “Default” terminal, and it does so on thecurrentspace: tellapplication"System Events"setmycounttocount(every...
If you want to type conda commands in a terminal, rather than using the Navigator GUI, then you should use Anaconda Prompt on Windows. On macOS, you can use any terminal application such as the default Terminal.app or iTerm2 to access conda from the command line. On Linux, you can use...
B⌃BCtrl+BTmuxDefault Prefix D⌃DCtrl+DEOF Applications Maybe you'd like overwrite these with your own favorite apps. OriginMaps toComment EOpen SafariOpen Web Browser ⌘EOpen FinderOpen File Browser ROpen iTerm2Great terminal for osx (Run) ...
Use Client_id、Client_secret、Code get refresh_token: Execute in Terminal/iTerm curl -X POST https://www.strava.com/oauth/token \ -F client_id=${Your Client ID} \ -F client_secret=${Your Client Secret} \ -F code=${Your Code} \ -F grant_type=authorization_code example: curl -X...
iTerm2: replacement for your Mac’s Terminal app. It brings with it modern features to help you accomplish what you want with the command line. It has split panes, a hotkey window, search feature, autocomplete, and so on. Cool Retro Term: gives you the look of those old cathode tube ...
Per each Profile -> Shell Tab -> Startup -> Run Command In iTerm2 App (popular replacement for Terminal: Per each Profile -> General -> Command -> Command macOS now uses zsh shell as the default so ~/.zlogin is the login script you could run something in there. Reply User...
When you run a command with sudo in Linux, the terminal prompts you to type in your password—and doesn't give you any visual feedback. Here's a quick tweak that'll bring back those familiar asterisks (*) when you type in your password. I'm a fast typer, so when I mess up my ...
iTerm macOS Terminal MAMP with XHProf 3minutesto read MAMP doesn't come with XHProf support by default and sometimes we need more than just a simple debug tool with Xdebug. Just for the record… Tags: MAMP XHProf PHP Xdebug on MAMP
Open a Terminal (I did this with Kitty + zsh, but don't see why iTerm2 or Terminal would not work with bash or zsh). cd home and Paste your file name. Don't hit Enter % cd ~ % ~/Users/me/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/diagram.svg Now, adjust your comm...
Fire up your favorite terminal (you’re probably using iTerm2 like the rest of the world) mkdir -p ~/Library/KeyBindings nano ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict The seasoned programmer could just go vi ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict or more likely vim, but for the re...