make + 受詞+ 形容詞 (使... 變得... ) 例: The movie always makes me sad. Don’t make the problem worse than it is. (別把問題弄得比現在更糟) make + 受詞+ p.p. (使... 被... ) 例: Make yourself known to the guard when you pass the gate. (當你通過大門時, 要讓警衛知...
make-work 1913年(形容詞); 1937年(名詞),美國英語,“忙碌的工作,沒有價值的活動”,源於動詞表達式to make work(見make(v.)+work(n.))。 A big fire devoured a street; "It will make work," I heard my father say; a ship was lost at sea laden with silk, and leather, and cloth; "It ...
make + 受詞 + 形容詞 (使 ... 變得 ... ) 例: The movie always makes me sad. Don’t make the problem worse than it is. (別把問題弄得比現在更糟) make + 受詞 + p.p. (使 ... 被 ... ) 例: Make yourself known to the guard when you pass the gate. (當你通過大門時, 要...
make + 受詞 + 形容詞 (使 ... 變得 ... ) 例: The movie always makes me sad. Don’t make the problem worse than it is. (別把問題弄得比現在更糟) make + 受詞 + p.p. (使 ... 被 ... ) 例: Make yourself known to the guard when you pass the gate. (當你通過大門時, 要...
1.All cameras in cell phones must make loud noise so that people will know about it. 2. The students study hard so that they will be able to pass the exam. Let’s try it! A. 根據圖片並按照上面的句型合併句子。 第一題為範例。 1. Kate got up early. Kate could catch the first ...
@Mumulandzza The sentence is conveyed, but It's a bit unnatural. 水を飲んでご飯を食べます。時々、私のお母さんはご飯を作ります。 でも、たいてい私がご飯を作ります。
@tankoguma Thank you very much It is very interesting how Particles could change totally the meaning, it is a bit difficult to get used of it, I hope to be able soon @
Secretary General, Mr QIAO Xiaoyang, said that the recent interpretation would be one plus one equals one, or it would be just an attempt to make the hand imprint deeper so astomakeaclearimpression. 喬曉陽 副秘書長說 解釋 法律是一加 一等 於一, 又 或即打深一...
日本にコンビニで買える、でもデンマークに自分で作らなきゃ食べられません。 ⇒ In Japan you can buy it at convenience stores, but in Denmark, I have to make it myself or I won't be able to eat it. それでは、こちらはシンプルなレシピ!
It might motivate you for a little bit, but if you don't have that core reason to change and to want to improve your life, you're not going to stick to it. So please skip this video and come back when you have three valid reasons as to why you would change and how it would ...