在可用的课程中开发的项目源代码,该课程由使用React和Styled Components的模因生成器组成。 该项目使用和 。 安装 您只需要在计算机上安装 ,然后克隆此存储库: $ git clone https://github.com/maateusilva/mememaker.git 之后,通过执行以下命令访问项目文件夹并安装依赖项: $ yarn install # ou npm install 运...
I forget which conference it was at, Yvette knows this better than I do. <Slide name="2024/consentual-marketing/016" desc="A Borat 'great success' meme with 'Developers relled' over it in dark souls text." /> This was amazingly successful. Yvette was walking around as a human bill...
staticN_INLINE(void,_ZN6system7copyMemE7pointer7pointer25range09223372036854775807)(void*dest_p0,void*source_p1,NIsize_p2);staticN_INLINE(void,nimCopyMem)(void*dest_p0,void*source_p1,NIsize_p2);staticN_INLINE(void,nimCopyMem)(void*dest_p0,void*source_p1,NIsize_p2) {void*T1_;T1_=(void...
原项目:https://github.com/Snowfallingplum/SHMT 老化妆:https://github.com/smthemex/ComfyUI_Stable_Makeup 新化妆:https://github.com/smthemex/ComfyUI_SHMT 记得给开源作者点个star,赠人玫瑰,手留余香 模型,工作流请从知识星球领取,更新日期是2025年1月13日22点多更新,上面是设置讲解,底部是工作流免费...
Seems, the AI and semiconductor hype-and-hoopla show got interrupted somehow, or maybe it got too silly and people just started walking out of it. Some of the biggest names in that show plunged today – and we’ll get to a few in a moment. ...
In case you missed it, the code is available atGithub. If you’re interested in more projects like these, please sign up for my newsletter or create an account here onMake Art with Python. You’ll get the first three chapters of my new book free when you do, and you’ll help me ...
GitHub is the modern equivalent of “open source heaven”, as we like to call it. Every project that’s made public can be accessed, modified, “branched”, and downloaded. If you go toGitHub Explore, type the keyword “discord bots”, and browse around, you’ll findthousandsof great co...
Anyone putting on a Quest right now will quickly see the tunnel vision that is holding back a lot of the experience. It's still in a lot of ways a meme platform in spite of its popularity, and I'm surprised just how much it keeps trying to make jump scare games and virtual travel ...
You don’t need to know your trees from your dangling blobs. If you use Git every day and feel like it’s a juggling act, then here are some tricks and tips to help make your life a bit easier. There’s been a lot written about getting started with git,
as a statement of authorship. His own ego may be his downfall. It was easy enough to crawl the web and find the name of the assistant he works with at his university. The assistant left his email address on a public GitHub account. It was simple to brute-force his password. I found...