需要我们手动去打开 解决办法 进入控制面板 -> 程序和功能 -> 启用或关闭windows功能 参考资料 htt...
之前在安装Angular环境的时候有个问题,就是通过命令成功安装了angular cli脚手架工具,但是在终端(win+r...
()'cmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.flatbuffers/2.0.0: flatbuffers/2.0.0: ERROR: Package '846e49ae2c2d7b4448ca2380ea2b4c7a382d695b' build failedflatbuffers/2.0.0: WARN: Build folder <UserHomeDir>\.conan\data\flatbuffers\2.0.0...
“cmd.exe” in the original project is enclosed in quotations in the command output, in this one it is not. I have put the HelloWorld project that CMake fails on up on GitHub: https://github.com/paul-reilly/vs-msys2-mingw64-helloworld Part of the output showing ...
While the service is working through your audio file, you'll get a frequent stream of events returned. Many each second potentially, for each word transcribed, plus corrections as it goes. Recognized speech chunks are snipped off like a sausage factory, every...
I created a PPKG and Configuration file for Hub2S, but the configuration file is not loaded when applied in the OOBE phase. I checked this file and found...
As part of your recovery plan, a full backup should be at the top of your list since it is the best strategy against hardware failure, apps, upgrade problems, and malware attacks that can corrupt your files and damage your Windows 10 installation. If you are not proactively creating full ...
This issue occurs because the Exchange federation trust certificate (OrgPrivCertificate) that's referenced by the Microsoft Exchange federation trust object is missing. However, the federation configuration mistakenly recognizes it as still there. Therefore, any cmdlets that edit, manipulate,...
I am trying to test headphones to order for staff who sit in open cubicles. When I go to 'Make a test call' to check out the sound quality of the microphone,...
I am trying to run a script given by 'OSQP' to generate c code, but the error I am getting is ThemeCopy 'cmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I have checked that the 'cmake.exe' file is in the computers syst...