How to make iPhone go "vibrate/silent mode" based on Calendar appointments - a feature BlackBerry had for years Is there a way to make iPhone go to "vibrate/silent mode" based on Calendar appointments ? I tried all possible combinations with "Focus Mode" etc., still couldn't get it d...
The information that you are looking for exists in this article that you were reviewing earlier 👉 How to put your iPhone on vibrate, ring, or silent mode Axel F. View in context Similar questions How to make my phone ring and vibrate the same time How to make my phone vibrate and ...
10. Don’t Use Vibrate Mode Here is a tip many people overlook. How many times have you put your device in vibrate mode so you can still know when you’re getting a call or message, but everyone else won’t hear it ringing? Sure, it may sound convenient, but vibrate mode uses a ...
Call History Switching between silent, vibrate, and normal modes Home dialing Receiving calls What can I do during a call? Setting up a conference call Making a call with Smart dial Returning a missed call Speed dial Making a call with your voice Dialing an extension number Calling a numbe...
Turn off vibrate It might be less irritating, but the vibration function on your phone actually uses more battery than standard ringtones, so switch it off. Keep your ringtones at a low volume to conserve battery, and switch off pointless alert sounds that tell you when you've pressed the ...
Setting up a conference call Wi-Fi Calling Call History Switching between silent, vibrate, and normal modes Home dialing Battery and Storage Power and storage management Using power saver mode Displaying the battery percentage Checking battery usage Checking battery history Extreme power saving mode...
There are two main vibration settings in Settings -> Sound & Haptics. Try turning off Vibrate on Ring, Vibrate on Silent, or both to save power. Scroll down to the bottom of this menu and you'll see System Haptics. Disabling this will eliminate system-wide haptic feedback. ...
In case your iPhone is running on an older version, such asiOS 15 or below, you won’t find the Play Haptics in Silent Mode option. Instead, you will see theVibrate on Silentoption on your device. Other than that, the process is similar, just go toSoundssettings and enableVibrate on ...
Now, your iPhone will vibrate on silent. Alternatively, selectDon’t Play in Silent Modeif you want your iPhone not to vibrate when it’s silent. If you want your iPhone to vibrate in both silent/ringer mode, selectAlways Play. Tip: Know thedifference between silent mode, airplane mode, ...
To disable sound, turn on Silent Mode in Settings. To set haptics for only certain apps, open the Watch app on your iPhone, go to Notifications, and use a Custom notification scheme. Method 1: Set Apple Watch to Vibrate Only for Alarm and Notifications Here’s how to make your Apple ...