Smartphone maker Vivo on Thursday revamped its logo by adding a crowdsourced 'Make In India' design that will be printed on the box of all the phones it will sell in the country. Last year, Vivo had committed to invest Rs 7,500 crore towards manufacturing mobile devices in India. "We,...
vivo, the global innovative smartphone brand, today announced the ‘Design vivo’s Make in India logo’ contest where they are seeking invitations from consumers and fans to design their vivo Make in India logo.
Cabinet approves one more semiconductor unit under India Semiconductor Mission (ISM)02-09-2024 Coal Production in the Country Grows 7.12% YoY to Reach 370 MT in FY 2024-2527-08-2024 India's IIP records a growth of 4.2% in the June 202412-08-2024 ...
LogoMake in IndiaIconicityReframingVisual rhetoricRelayThis study responds to a critical call for a blended policy-driven and communications-based approach to nation branding [Govers in Place Branding Public Dipl 9(2):71–75, 2013; Kelly in Place Branding...
vivo announced the ‘Design vivo’s Make in India logo’ contest where they are seeking invitations from consumers and fans to design their vivo Make in India logo. vivo will be celebrating it’s 5 year anniversary in India and as part of this celebration, vivo is inviting consumers and fan...
Visthar's logo A U.S.-based consulting firm dedicated to helping small- and medium-sized U.S. manufacturers do business in, and with India. Doing Business in India Sourcing from India Scroll Down for More Why India? Why Visthar?
s logo on these shipping boxes. This may be in the form of personalised cards and handwritten notes accompanying the package. You could also introduce seasonal package designs during special occasions in India and around the world, like Diwali, Holi and Eid. You may also offer gift...
as it did a re-release of its iconic M6 camera in a super stylish case with a printed logo that is a homage to its original. India’s French Crown, an apparel brand, adds a handwritten note to thank customers for their orders, accompanied with a coupon code offering disc...
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As of today, there are more than 5.19 billion active global internet users and the top three countries in respect of internet users are China, United States (US) and India. Thus, making your identity online is one of the best decision in your life. In this tutorial you will learn step-...