When you finish making your solar oven, why not explore more science and STEM with one of these ideas below. You can find all our engineering activities for kids here! Make an air cannon and blast down dominoes and other similar items. Make a homemade magnifying glass for simple physics. ...
STEP 10: Poke holes in your water bottles and insert the craft sticks/panels. Pin You have made a satellite! Pin STEM For Kids So you might ask, what does STEM actually stand for? STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. The most important thing you can take away fro...
Let us make this perfectly clear: Don't look at the sun during a partial solar eclipse! Only during the few minutes of totality, when the sun's disk is completely covered by the moon, is it safe to view the eclipse with naked eyes. Instead, NASA advises wearing a pair of approved so...
and that's that it's very cheap and simple. The cheapest commercial solar panels sell for $.68/W, and homemade solar panels often run higher, because they usevery expensive encapsulants.These panels won't last as long as a glass-laminated panel, but they're made with scrap silicon and...
Projecting the Sun through abox projector, or projecting usingbinoculars or telescope, or simply 2 pieces of card is a safe and easy way to view asolar eclipse. DIY: Simple Card Projector The simplest and quickest way to safely project the Sun is with a projector made from only 2 pieces ...
Learn how to make a cheese cave right at home. If you want your cheese to ripen properly you have to make them a good home and take care of them like little bambinos. Homemade Cheese Cave For centuries caves, which are usually cool and have a consistent humidity, have been great ...
Illuminate your outdoor space with an ambient glow using upcycled tin cans. Transform them into homemade tiki torches by following these simple steps: 1.Gather clean, empty tin cans and remove any labels. 2.Fill with water and freeze to solidify, preventing denting during the next step. ...
or whale watch at the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Indulge in homemade ice cream at the Cape Cod Creamery or lobster rolls and fried clams at several “shacks.” Play mini golf, hit the dry and wet rides at the Cape Cod Inflatable Park. On a rainy day, check ou...
There you have it, folks! Since you made it this far with your new cool little Homemade WiFi Security Camera, go out there with your new DIY CCTV cam and add an additional layer of security to your home! :) Once again, here is the code & its extensions, additional information, specif...
You can also create panels by wrapping blankets around the walls and securing them with clips for extra stability. 3. How can I make the roof of my fort? The roof can be made by stretching sheets across the tops of your walls. Use lightweight sheets to prevent the structure from ...