whereas on previous versions it pointed to python 2. If you still have python 2 scripts, you can change the shebang line to usepython2explicitly. This only applies for scripts run directly from makefiles, or from soong genrules. This behavior can be temporarily overridden by setting theBUILD...
BOARD_HAL_STATIC_LIBRARIESandLOCAL_HAL_STATIC_LIBRARIESare obsolete {#BOARD_HAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES} Define proper HIDL / Stable AIDL HAL instead. For libhealthd, use health HAL. See instructions for implementing health HAL: hardware/interfaces/health/2.1/README.mdfor health 2.1 HAL (recommended) har...
Define proper HIDL / Stable AIDL HAL instead. For libhealthd, use health HAL. See instructions for implementing health HAL: hardware/interfaces/health/2.1/README.md for health 2.1 HAL (recommended) hardware/interfaces/health/1.0/README.md for health 1.0 HAL For libdumpstate, use at least Dumps...
BOARD_HAL_STATIC_LIBRARIESandLOCAL_HAL_STATIC_LIBRARIESare obsolete {#BOARD_HAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES} Define proper HIDL / Stable AIDL HAL instead. For libhealthd, use health HAL. See instructions for implementing health HAL: hardware/interfaces/health/2.1/README.mdfor health 2.1 HAL (recommended) har...