该公告位于 G Suite 开发者博客上:Create Quizzes in Google Forms with Apps Scripts新增内容包括isQuiz()函数,它允许您将表单设置为测验。文档(虽然很简短)位于Google Developers site.开发人员博客详细解释了如何使用 Apps 脚本创建测验(带有示例代码)。
How to Create a Google Form via Google Drive You can also create a Google Form inside Google Drive via “My Drive – Google Forms – Blan form/Blank quiz/From a template”. This will redirect you to the respective view of the Google Forms web app. How to Create a Google Form via Goo...
To create a full quiz, choose whether you want to enter a prompt, upload a file from Google Drive, or add a link to a YouTube video. Then click theProceedbutton. If you choose to enter a prompt, type in your quiz topic, select a quiz difficulty level, enter your preferred number of...
In Google Forms, you can share as a quiz, presentation, or general form. Take your pick. Ultimately, you will see three sharing options: email, shareable link, and HTML embed. Step 2: Copy the Sharable Link Our target is the middle one… You can click on the “shorten URL” box and...
Information and uploads to our website which is provided by you when creating user generated content, such as quizzes. This may be provided by you through a form on our website. Account Settings You might provide us with information to personalise your experience of the services that we prov...
See how many times your quiz was viewed, started, and completed. Find out how long people stayed and exactly where they dropped off. Get visual segmentations of each answer and of the quiz as a whole in a pie chart, bar chart, and table form. ...
It will be faster for you to set the answer key in a Google Form than for you to check the answers for student work. Click on the settings cog at the top to enable quiz features. Set the answer key for each question. Copy the Form ...
Google Forms are easy to create and can be used in multiple ways. For instance, you can use it tocreate surveys,event registration forms,quizzesfor schools, etc. Check out othergood uses of Google Forms. Once you have created and shared the form with others, you can choose toreceive ema...
Use the Settings dialog box to define your Google Forms Survey settings. The Settings window has three tabs: General Presentation Quizzes For the purposes of this example, I'll show you how to change response settings. Click the center tab, Presentation, to display the options there. If your...
Send your email leads to Mailchimp, sync responses with Google Sheets. Get it all done automatically.Case Studies Zulily Makes Engaging Quizzes That 80% Click & 90% Complete Learn how Zulily got over 80% participation rates and over 90% completion rates on their quizzes using Opinion Stage....