--PDB - Output PDB files in out/PDB/ folder --embedPDB- Embed PDB with the shader binary --stripReflection - Maps to -Qstrip_reflect DXC/FXC option: strip reflection information from a shader binary --matrixRowMajor - Maps to -Zpr DXC/FXC option: pack matrices in row-major order --...
Place ground truth consisting of line images and transcriptions in the folderdata/MODEL_NAME-ground-truth. This list of files will be split into training and evaluation data, the ratio is defined by theRATIO_TRAINvariable. Images must be TIFF and have the extension.tifor PNG and have the ext...
do_patch : 如果设置了 PATCH_FOLDER,开始编译时自动打上补丁 扩展: 选择是否打补丁的方法 每类补丁建立两个包,打补丁包和去补丁包,包名格式必须为 源码包名-patch-补丁ID名 和源码包名-unpatch-补丁ID名 源码包弱依赖这两个包,源码包的 #DEPS 语句的 Depend_Names 加上 xxx-patch-xxx|xxx-unpatch-xxx ...
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支1 标签0 薛棣棣gitignore 模板f73c6ba5年前 3 次提交 .github gitignore 模板 5年前 Global gitignore 模板 5年前 community gitignore 模板 5年前 .travis.yml ...
My current solution for that is to keep the main application code in its own git submodule repository - in the past I've used linked source folders to have multiple projects share the same folder for the main application, but I've found that linked folders can cause weird issu...
git checkout --orphanis relatively new (Git 1.7.2), but there areother ways of doing the same thingthat work on older versions of Git. Inserting a File Into a Multi-refHistory If your repository is more complex (i.e. it has more than one ref (branches, tags, etc.)), then you ...
GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/google/googletest.git" GIT_TAG "main" ) # For Windows: Prevent overriding the parent project's compiler/linker settings set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest) ...
“identifiers”: CMakeProject, CMakeTarget, CMakeReference, CMakeFolder, CMakeFile. Syntax for the CMakeTargetsViewExcludedItems is the following: <identifier>:<name> This will specify any identifier with the specified name. ...
Add the following into your package.json scripts section: "scripts": {"install":"cmake-js compile"} Commandline In your module folder you can access cmake-js commands if you install cmake-js globally: npm install -g cmake-js Please refer to the--helpfor the lists of available commands...
New approach to CMake project model: allows you to select the generation directory, open a project from an existing generation folder, and more. Automatic switching of resolve context per build/run configuration change. Semantic highlighting in the editor. ...