# Adjust the following if necessary; EXECUTABLE is the target # executable's filename, and LIBS is a list of libraries to link in # (e.g. alleg, stdcx, iostr, etc). You can override these on make's # command line of course, if you prefer to do it that way. # # EXECUTABLE :...
通过 Makefile 我们可以发现,目标 main"在 Makefile 中是第一个目标,因此它就是 make 的终极目标,当修改过任何 C 文件后,执行 make 将会重建终极目标 main。 它的具体工作顺序是:当在 shell 提示符下输入 make 命令以后。 make 读取当前目录下的 Makefile 文件,并将 Makefile 文件中的第一个目标作为其执行...
The first method, and the most straightforward one, is to make a file executable using the following command: chmod +x <file> Copy Thexflag is to set or unset the executable permission of a file. And using+sign beforexmeans we want to set it as an executable file. This will make the...
Makefile常用标识(CROSS_COMPILE和ARCH) CROSS_COMPILE 即交叉编译器的前缀(prefix),也就是选择将代码编译成目标cpu的指令的工具,如指定make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-就是使用arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc, arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ld等工具将代码编译成arm的可执行指令。 如果不指定CROSS_COMPILE参数,...
; \ echo >&2 ; \ /bin/false) endif # KBUILD_EXTMOD else # 需要虚拟目标,因为用作先决条件 include/config/auto.conf: ; endif # $(dot-config) # 当没有给出目标时,all: 目标是默认的 # command line. # 这允许用户仅发出“make”来构建包括模块的内核 # 默认为 vmlinux,但 arch makefile ...
Makefile中.PHONY和.SUFFIXES的含义 Makefile中文件读写 file命令 Makefile中patsubst(扩展通配符)的含义 最基本的Makefile示例 Makefile模版 什么是Makefile? Makefile 可以简单的认为是一个工程文件的编译规则,描述了整个工程的编译和链接等规则。其中包含了那些文件需要编译,那些文件不需要编译,那些文件需要先编译,那...
Linux PHP编译make时出现错误libpthread.so.0: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line的解决方案 不得不说,编译难度确实比较大,这个问题耗费了我接近两个小时,我现在查找了安装时的日志记录,发现了不少同样的错误,现将原因以及解决方案写出来。(日志记录3w6多行,可想而知多么的痛苦)。
Using theremovetarget we created in the makefile, we can invoke it using make to delete all executable and *.o files. Common Make Command Options 1. -B:when you edit a single file but wish to compile all the files instead of the one, use the-Bflag. For instance, if we add -B ...
Linux make Command Examples The best way to understandmakeandMakefilesis by running the command and different options on a simple program. Note:The following examples are written in C language. For example, to build an executable that prints the message"Learn about Makefiles,"follow these steps...