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set(CPACK_BUNDLE_PLIST "${QGC_INSTALLER_SOURCE}/") 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 cmake/CreateCPackDMG.cmake Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ include(CreateCPackCommon) set(CPACK_GENERATOR "DragNDrop") set(...
-ov -format UDZO "dosbox-staging-macOS-universal-${{ env.VERSION }}.dmg" - name: Upload disk image uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 # GitHub automatically zips the artifacts, and there's no option # to skip it or upload a file only. with: name: dosbox-staging-macOS-universal-${{ ...
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Is it possible to make a bootable macOS USB in a Windows 11 PC? Creating Mac bootable USB on Windows PC is a tricky task and there are very less software available for this purpose. According to Google suggestion, UUByte DMG Editor is currently the best app to make bootable macOS USB on...
we were gonna reinstall 10.6 so i need a way to burn the retail .dmg to my 8GB USB. Transmac for Windows (2-week trial) can format USB drives for mac and restore .dmg files to USB drives. Download Transmac and install in Windows In the right-side panel of Transmac, right click ...
packaging/debian/ \ packaging/debian/ \ packaging/debian/ \ packaging/debian/ \ packaging/macosx/create-dmg \ packaging/macosx/ \ ...
RunMinecraftInstaller.exe(orMinecraft.dmgon MacOS). The installer will download the necessary files and prompt you to start the launcher once it has finished. To access the game, you’ll need to log into a Microsoft account that has purchased Minecraft. ...
CMake就是针对上面问题所设计的工具:它首先允许开发者编写一种平台无关的 CMakeList.txt 文件来定制整个编译流程,然后再根据目标用户的平台进一步生成所需的本地化 Makefile 和工程文件,如 Unix 的 Makefile 或 Windows 的 Visual Studio 工程。从而做到“Write once, run everywhere”。显然,CMake 是一个比上述...