想要使用Makefile文件,首先需要确保本地可以使用make命令,如果没有安装make,goland编译器会出现报错: > Error running'docs': Cannot run program"\usr\bin\make"(in directory >"F:\xx\goland-api\xxxx-go"... 安装make: 1.windows上安装:chocolatey 一、Chocolatey介绍 Chocolatey是一款专为Windows系统开发的、...
CMakeLists.txt: 将main.cpp加入工程; 然后查找并链接opencv库 # cmake needs this linecmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.1)# Define project nameproject(opencv_example_project)# Find OpenCV, you may need to set OpenCV_DIR variable# to the absolute path to the directory containing OpenCVConfig.cmake ...
View CMakeCache.txt opens the CMakeCache.txt file from the build directory in the editor. Any edits you make here to CMakeCache.txt are wiped out if you clean the cache. To make changes that persist after you clean the cache, see Customize CMake settings or Configure and build with C...
NMAKE searches for filename first in the specified or current directory, then recursively through directories of any parent makefiles, then, if filename is enclosed by angle brackets (< >), in directories specified by the INCLUDE macro, which is initially set to the INCLUDE environment variable...
1. Type cmd in the search box and run as administrator. 2. Type bcdboot /? to get details if you are not familiar with this command. 3. Then, type bcdboot c:/windows /s x: and hit Enter. It's able to re-gen BCD files to x: partition, which refers to the second drive you ...
Windows:选择 Windows 版本的安装包(通常是.msi 文件)。下载后,双击下载的.msi 文件,按照安装向导的指示进行安装。在安装过程中,可以选择将 CMake 添加到系统的 PATH 环境变量中(建议选择此选项,以便在命令行中直接使用 cmake 命令)。验证安装:打开命令提示符(CMD)或 PowerShell,输入 cmake --version,查看是否...
Platforms other than windows (and sort of OSX) are CASE-SENSITIVE! The folder fortran is not the same as FORTRAN If you don't want to copy the FORTRAN directory to the root of the checked out code, you can alternatively pass the cmake flag REFPROP_FORTRAN_PATH as in something like: ...
# from the directory of the checkout # TODO: this generates weird cmdliner errors in Windows ./test --help 2>&1 >/dev/null ./scripts/run-core-test # Please keep this standalone target. # We want to rebuild the tests without re-running all of them. # This is for working on...
rubenmedioschanged the titleAny idea for haot to run "make" commands in windowsJun 4, 2016 Follow the step: Step 1- Install Mingw, through theMinGWinstaller. Step 2- OpenCommand Prompt, Try to type mingw-get, if this command is working then follow the next step otherwise go to step on...
这是GNU make中老版本的特性,在新版本中,我们使用函数"dir"或"notdir"就可以做到了。"D"的含义就是Directory,就是目录,"F"的含义就是File,就是文件。 下面是对于上面的七个变量分别加上"D"或是"F"的含义: $(@D) 表示"$@"的目录部分(不以斜杠作为结尾),如果"$@"值是"dir/foo.o",那么"$(@D)...