job_folder ='jobs/{0}/'.format(today)make_folder_if_not_exists(job_folder)make_folder_if_not_exists(job_folder +'logs')# construct jobsself._construct_jobs()# convert each job into a pickle file# construct a class ad for each jobwithopen('condor/job_template','r')astemplate:...
# 需要导入模块: import os [as 别名]# 或者: from os importmakedir[as 别名]defpre_write(self):settings = utils.get_settings('ssh') apt_update(fatal=True) apt_install(settings['client']['package'])ifnotos.path.exists('/etc/ssh'): os.makedir('/etc/ssh')#NOTE:don't recurseutils.e...
AST_C= $(AST_C_DIR)/Python-ast.c AST_ASDL= $(srcdir)/Parser/Python.asdl ASDLGEN_FILES= $(srcdir)/Parser/ $(srcdir)/Parser/ # XXX Note that a build now requires Python exist before the build starts ASDLGEN= $(srcdir)/Parser/ ### # ...
# This does not need to match to the root of the kernel source tree.# # For example, you can do this: # # cd /dir/to/store/output/files; make -f /dir/to/kernel/source/Makefile # # If you want to save output files in a different location, there are ...
[tasks.move-dir] cwd = "./mysubdir/"Ignoring ErrorsIn some cases you want to run optional tasks as part of a bigger flow, but do not want to break your entire build in case of any error in those optional tasks. For those tasks, you can add the ignore_errors=true attribute.[tasks...
Does it work if you setCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/homebrewwithout settingCPATHandLIBRARY_PATH? If not, then this may be due to an extra../inlib/cmake/cmocka-config.cmake: #cmocka-config.cmakeget_filename_component(PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../"ABSOLUTE) ...
ECHOOFFSETBUILD_FOLDER=%cd%.prjIFnot exist"%BUILD_FOLDER%/Makefile"call newprj.bat pushd"%BUILD_FOLDER%"make clean make popd 上面两个不同的脚本实现的功能类似,区别只是在不同的平台上运行,实现make clean和make的动作。 步骤3: 有了步骤2中的,就可以在ant脚本中调用它们实现项目...
#set_target_properties(addnum PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ # 设置目标文件的名字 set(TARGET_NAME addTest) # 生成可执行文件 add_executable(${TARGET_NAME} addTest.c) #生成静态库 #add_library(${TARGET_NAME} STATIC addTest.c) ...
DLCACHE_DIR \ # # In GNU make command line is supposed to override the value set in makefile # These variables can be overridden even when set from command line __OVERRIDE_DIRECTORY_VARIABLES := $(__DIRECTORY_VARIABLES) # Use absolute paths in recursive "make" even if overridden ...
EJB_TMP_JAR = $(TMPDIR)/temp.jar # $(call compile-generic-bean, bean-type, jar-name, # bean-files-wildcard, manifest-name-opt ) define compile-generic-bean $(RM) $(dir $(META_INF)) $(MKDIR) $(META_INF) $(if $(filter %.xml %.xmi, $3), \ cp $(filter %.xml %.xmi, ...