The bash shell provided with msysgit ( or with Cygwin are very useful for people on Windows looking for something more useful than cmd.exe or PowerShell. However, it appears that at least some of the standard conda commands won't work in this environment (probably...
- To create an environment, use: `conda create -n py310-whisper python=3.10 -y` - To activate the environment, use: `conda activate py310-whisper` @@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ speed-up - more than x3 faster compared with CPU-only execution. Here are the in - Run the examples as usual...
探索使用 Conda 打包的配方将需要系统上安装了 Miniconda 和 Conda 构建和部署工具。之前给出了安装 Miniconda 的说明。要在 GNU/Linux 和 macOS 上安装 Conda 构建和部署工具,请运行以下命令: $ conda install --yes --quiet conda-build anaconda-client jinja2 setuptools $ conda clean -tipsy $ conda info ...
ChatGPT: this is the engine behind ChatGPT. As for now, the ChatGPT API is available as GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4. In this post, we will see how you can use those models to query your SQL tables. The idea is that of generating SQL queries using Azure OpenAI models’ API with Pytho...
首先排除版本的问题: conda upgrade notebook conda upgrade jupyter 结果并没有解决这个问题,试试 conda install -c conda-forge prompt_toolkit... 启动报错{***.***.springbootwx.mapper4.***ShopMapper.deleteById} Has been loaded by XML or SqlProvid 启动报错...
- To create an environment, use: `conda create -n py310-whisper python=3.10 -y` - To activate the environment, use: `conda activate py310-whisper` @@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ speed-up - more than x3 faster compared with CPU-only execution. Here are the in - Run the examples as usual...