case class UnionClass1c(a: Int, b: Long, nested: UnionClass4) case class UnionClass2(a: Int, c: String) case class UnionClass3(a: Int, b: Long) case class UnionClass4(A: Int, b: Long) 0 comments on commit e574fcd Please sign in to comment. Footer...
The comments/doc-block area will hold any missing documentations. For additional examples see phpunit tests, The tests are fully functional integration tests, meaning the are live database tests, no mocks. The following has been added since version 2.1.7. General Methods to_string($arrays, $...
MySQL comments are most often used in conjunction with languages like SQL and PHP where we can insert them into a text file or script using the comment function * / (e.g., /* This is my comment */). They’re typically just as easy to use anywhere else, too. How to write a comme...
To force recompile invalid object in a # specific schema, set COMPILE_SCHEMA to the schema name you want to recompile.# This will ask to Oracle to validate the PL/SQL that could have been invalidate # after a export/import for example. The 'VALID' or 'INVALID' status applies to ...
There seems to be a different response when setting up a table. E.g. Data in four columns- should this be one table, OR, should each column be its own table?...
uppercase letters on computer screens typically adhere to font and display standards. however, the size and appearance can vary depending on the font, screen resolution, and individual settings. are there any specific rules for using uppercase in programming comments? the usage of uppercase in ...
Azure OpenAI models are powerful generative AI tools that can be infused into custom applications, thanks to their APIs. With LangChain, the framework to manage those APIs is easier and allows for better interaction with the context, using any data stored in Azure SQL tables. ...
The Parent (user story)? Or the child (task)? It makes more sense for devs to enter discussion notes in the tasks, but our Support people and managers like to just look at the parent User Story card where they hope to see all discussion notes. ...
是指使用CMake工具来构建项目,并且通过一个txt文件指定CMake的配置选项和相关信息。 CMake是一个跨平台的开源构建工具,它可以生成各种不同平台和编译器的构建脚本,如Makefile、Visual Studio项目等。它使用一种基于文本的配置文件来描述项目的构建过程和相关设置。