3-1) ctrl + shift + p -> 输入cmake:quick,选择第1个 注意:我用1.69.0版本的VSCode + 1.16.32版本的CMake Tools,会遇到command cmake.quickstart not found的错误 这个错误也不知道原因,最后升级了最新版VSCode(1.85.1)就好了 3-2) 然后需要Select a Kit,如果下拉列表中没有MinGW,可以先选择第1个让...
when I change vscode display language to English, cmake tools was work well. And cmake tools can not work after switch display language to Chinese. Author bidjc commented Dec 6, 2023 Today,I install Chinese (Simplified) (简体中文) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code v1.84 to WSL,and ...
some fortran code. I would like to create a makefile to compile + run the code. I create a makefile for my code, but when a try to use the make command in the command prompt of OneAPI says that make command is not found. Do you know how can I use a makefile, if it is...
VSCODE 不能单击启动 C/C++ debug 641 cd Downloads/ 643 sudo dnf -y reinstall ./code-1.96.2-1734607808.el8.x86_64.rpm 644 sudo setsebool -P deny_ptrace 0 645 su - 646 sestatus 650 xhost +LOCAL: 651 xhost +LOCAL: 652 xhost +SI:localuser:$USER 654 exit root 522 reboot 523 ./NV...
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and runCMake: Select a Kit. The extension will automatically scan for kits on your computer and create a list of compilers found on your system. Select the compiler you want to use. For example, depending on the compilers you have installed, you ...
I create a makefile for my code, but when a try to use the make command in the command prompt of OneAPI says that make command is not found. Do you know how can I use a makefile, if it is possible? Or which is the best way to compile + run the .exe without doing separately....
Intel Parallel Studio XE 有三种版本:Composer Edition,Professional Edition和Cluster Edition。其中...
一切都很好,然后突然我打开vscode,在sdl.h include下面看到一个红色的蠕动,现在这个项目甚至不能编译。有什么想法吗?specifies the additional compilation options we're using# -Wl,-subsystem,windowsgets rid of the console window #LINKER_FLAGS spe
-bash: wget: command not found [root@npf01 resource]# 1. 2. 3. 根据提示,当前wget命令未找到。所以我们需要先安装wget命令。 [root@npf01 resource]# yum install wget 1. 接着安装下载 Redis 安装包。 2.3 解压 Redis 安装包 [root@npf01 resource]# tar -xvf redis-5.0.8.tar.gz ...
VSCode Cmake Tool Cmake 3.29.0 Vulkan SDK CLion Caveats: Boost库的坑 Boost Regex内存越界、内存池 libudev-dev Luajit2 in Sol2 Sol2 load lib from source CTest parallel bug 本文为项目github.com/yhyu13/HLVM-的本地配置文档,是工作中受UE启发的个人游戏引擎练习项目,在搭建游戏引擎关键基础设施的同...