clang-format should add a line break right before the body BUT NOT before the whole lambda when it's passed as a parameter to a function. This worked in clang-format 3.6 but after updating to 14.0 the behavior is different. I already tried out BreakBeforeBraces: Custom Brac...
I'm trying to make my .clang-format config. Everything is fine, but there is still a little problem. When I format this: structtestStructdata[] ={ {.a =0, .b =0}, {.a =0, .b =0}, }; The output will put every element into a single line like this: ...
sudo apt install mpich ffmpeg git g++ cmake clang-format 之后再次build,这里采用-j8即8核来加速运行,各位可根据自己电脑的核数自行决定用几核。 cmake -D LAMMPS_MACHINE=mpi -D PKG_MANYBODY=on ../cmake make -j8 make install 可在cmake命令额外添加 -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=路径名 ,来指定安装路...
首先在项目根目录执行命令生成google style的配置文件并且重定向到.clang-format: clang-format -style=google -dump-config > .clang-format 这里配置比较繁杂,这里不做过多阐述,直接贴上作者的配置文件 --- BasedOnStyle: Google --- Language: Cpp AccessModifierOffset: -4 AllowAllConstructorInitializersOnNextLi...
sudo apt install clang clangd clang-format vscode 在vscode中,下载 clangd 和 cmake tool 工具集就可以了,但是注意一点,clangd的代码分析跟微软提供的c/c++代码分析有一定的冲突,所以需要禁用掉c/c++那个代码分析,只需要在vscode的settings.json里面加入 ...
It seems that CMake is not able to identify the correct clang-format version if the output of clang-format --version is something like Ubuntu clang-format version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1 using string(REGEX REPLACE "clang-format version ([0-9.]+)...
Ubuntu clang-format version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1 laolang@laolang-pc:~$ 配置 #导出 Google 风格 clang-format --style=Google -dump-config > .clang-format 一个最简单的配置文件如下, 然后根据上一步导出的文件再进行细节调整 --- Language:Cpp
- .clang-format - cmake |- Format.cmake - src |- CMakeLists.txt |- header.h |- main.cpp 首先,我们需要设置项目并将cmake目录添加到模块路径中,这样我们稍后才能包含它: 第九章/01-格式化/CMakeLists.txt 代码语言:javascript 复制 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0) ...
vscode支持clang-format 配置在vscode保存文件后自动进行格式化 在扩展商店中搜索安装clang-format插件 打开设置面板,之后在输入框输入clang-format,在「工作区」tab上找到style选项,修改为「file」,表示按照我们自己定义的.clang-format文件进行格式化 打开设置面板,在输入框中输入save,在「工作区」tab上把「format on sa...
add_custom_target (format "clang-format" -i ${ALL_SRC_FILES} COMMENT "Formatting source code...") 13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions 13 etc/tidy.cmake Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ file (GLOB_RECURSE ALL_SRC_FILES ${CMAKE_SOURC...