it’s also a great starting point for building a package for Homebrew and the various Linux and BSD package managers. It was time to dig into the Unix Grimoire and find out what the incantation does.
CMake Warning(dev)at CMakeLists.txt:4: Syntax Warning in cmake code at column37Argument not separated from preceding token by whitespace. This warning isforproject developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it. -- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.4.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is ...
@for d in $(SUBDIRS); do (cd $$d && $(MAKE) clean); done make clean -C av help: @echo "Auth Server makefile." @echo "version : $(ACA_RELEASE)" @echo @echo "Syntax:" @echo " aca -- make all auth source code. It is default make." @echo " clean -- make clean all a...
为了允许传统和 CMake 配置在一段时间内共存,一个典型的策略是将所有 CMake 代码收集在CMakeLists.txt文件中,并将所有辅助 CMake 源文件放在cmake子目录下。在我们的示例中,我们不会引入cmake子目录,而是将辅助文件更靠近需要它们的目标和源文件,但我们会注意保持几乎所有用于传统 Autotools 构建的文件不变,只有...
PACKAGE_AS_SCHEMA 1 # Enable this directive if the rewrite of Oracle native syntax (+) of # OUTER JOIN is broken. This will force Ora2Pg to not rewrite such code, # default is to try to rewrite simple form of rigth outer join for the # moment. ...
# ignore warnings for missing include files, fix problems for syntax errors). # - With these features: "make depend" (works best with gcc). # - If you have a lint program: "make lint" and check the output (ignore GTK # warnings). # - If you have valgrind, enable it in src/te...
OpenCL: check for C++ header Jun 10, 2024 openmp preset cleanup Oct 14, 2021 regex regex: add string(REGEX REPLACE) [skip ci] Jan 16, 2024 scripts cmake 3.31.4 Jan 13, 2025 syntax use quotes for possible undefined Feb 15, 2022 ...
使用VSCode作为编辑器,安装cortex-debug,CMake,CMake Tools,C/C++,IntelliCode,Makefile Tools,Better C++ Syntax,Hex Editor插件。 工具链为arm-none-eabi-toolchain,从Msys2的mingw64 group安装,喜欢clang的同学也可以装clang版本。更推荐使用ucrt64 group,这是未来发展的趋势。 安装完工具链后,可以将mingw64的终端...
check_device_identifier函数用于检查设备标识符的有效性,若标识符不在设备数据库中,则抛出ValueError异常。configure_device函数根据输入的规格和标识符,通过调用上述两个函数来进行设备配置,如果出现异常则捕获并打印错误信息,否则输出配置成功的提示。 "Specifications"一词通常用于描述产品或设备的技术规格和特性。在许多...
In this case, in previous versions of make ifdef $(FOO) would not throw an error because make used to allow spaces in variable names, so make would check if the variable bar baz was defined or not--not what you wanted, but not a syntax error. In the newer versions of GNU make, va...