To this end, we sought to determine the amount of interfractional pelvic organ volume changes and displacement during prostate SBRT, as well as the potential dosimetric and clinical impact on these organs at risk (OARs) in a cohort of patients who were placed on a strict pre-treatment bladder...
The new Part L covering conservation of fuel and power will make radical changes from the design philosophy of the existing 2002 version. Most importantly the method of calculating insulation and thermal performance for each element individually will be replaced by a 'whole building' approach. The ...
In patients with FTD or ALS, late-onset psychotic disorders as the initial presentation have been reported to be more frequent when these diseases are secondary to the C9orf72 mutation [160,161,162]. 4. Discussion This systematic review reveals that many somatic illnesses, most of which may ...
This may be too harsh an approximation when we think of the consequences for the insurer: setting the price too high will lead to potential insureds diverted from subscribing the policy, while the opposite mistake may lead to huge losses for the insurer. In this paper, we wish to ...