Method 2: Use a Windows 10 ISO image file You can manually create a Windows 10 boot disk using an ISO file. This also requires the use of Media Creation Tool. MacOS and Linux users can download the ISO file directly from the Windows 10 ISO download site. If you run Windows 10 on you...
Windows Themkimgscript also supports building for Windows. ForPython 2build, you need to installVisual Studio 2013. ForPython 3, you can installVisual Studio 2017 Build Tools. Make sure you select VC++ compile and Windows 10 SDK during installation. ...
Based on your installation path of the SDK, this is where MakeAppx.exe is on your Windows 10 PC: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\<build number>\<architecture>\makeappx.exe where <architecture> = x86, x64, arm, arm64 or chpe. Alternatively, it may be located in: C:\...
Note: You cannot add alt text in Calendar for Windows 10. Select a visual, and then select Picture > Alt Text. Type the Title and Description to describe the image and its context to someone who cannot see it. Add hyperlink text Select the text...
CD image files are easily created with UltraISO. Duplicate discs to a CD image, create bootable CDs and audio CD images - and UltraISO also handles DVD image files. If you need to know how to make a CD image or need to edit an ISO image file, UltraISO is
# cd C:/Users/Administrator/ # 下载安装,用 powershell git clone # 运行 .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat 安装完毕后,可以进行安装第三方库了,比如安装 .\vcpkg\vcpkg install tesseract:x64-windows-static,其中:x64-windows 是说安装 64 位版本的,不加这个默认下载 x86...
FindwxWindows.cmake FortranCInterface.cmake GNUInstallDirs.cmake GenerateExportHeader.cmake GetPrerequisites.cmake GoogleTest.cmake GoogleTestAddTests.cmake ITKCompatibility.cmake InstallRequiredSystemLibraries.cmake KDE3Macros.cmake MacroAddFil...
$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) core_install && cd src/mod && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $@ ; \ else \ if test "$$target" = "clean"; then \ cd src/mod && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $@ ;\ else \ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) core && cd src/mod && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAG...
cd start python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate Initialize function app func init --worker-runtime python func new --name classify --template "HTTP trigger" Copy resources into the classify folder, assuming you run these commands from start ...
make BIN_NAME=argocd-windows-amd64.exe GOOS=windows argocd-all .PHONY: test-tools-image test-tools-image: ifndef SKIP_TEST_TOOLS_IMAGE $(SUDO) $(DOCKER) build --build-arg UID=$(CONTAINER_UID) -t $(TEST_TOOLS_PREFIX)$(TEST_TOOLS_IMAGE) -f test/container/Dockerfile . $(SUDO...