-j主要是用在当你的系统硬件资源比较大的时候,比较富裕的时候,用这个可以来加快编译的速度,如-j 3 可以多关.注《Linux就该这么学》这本书,我都是从这里面学到的 "
celeron: dep=23sec bzImage=6min34sec All these tests were run from the console without much else running. You'll probably note that it's not real important which of the -j flags is used on an smp system, but I think the accuracy is enough to say that matching the job number to th...
oldconfig, defconfig 等,这些目标也称为配置目标(config targets);另外一种是需要使用 .config 文件的目标,它们必须以 .config 文件中的配置作为构建自己的依据,比如 all, vmlinux, modules, bzImage 等,这些目标也称为构建目标(build targets)。
linux编译错误缺少文件arch/x86/boot/bzImage 、 我正在尝试编译linux,但一直收到以下错误sh .x86/boot/bzImage \*** you need to run "makebefore "makeinstall".我遵循了这个方向,但坚持使用makeinstall: 浏览1提问于2018-03-21得票数 1 2回答
#arch/x86/Makefile boot := arch/x86/boot bzImage: vmlinux $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(boot) $(boot)/$@ "$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=" is the recommended way to invoke make in a subdirectory. There are no rules for naming architecture-specific targets, but executing "mak...
Example: #arch/x86/Makefile define archhelp echo '* bzImage - Image (arch/(ARCH)/boot/bzImage)' endif When make is executed without arguments, the first goal encountered 当执行不带参数的make时,在脚本中最先遇到的目标将会被编译。 will be built. In the top level Makefile the first goal...
2.6的kernel的编译把make bzImage make modules等步骤都在make一步都搞定,以前还要cp 内核和System.map,修改Grub.conf的步骤,统统make install搞定了。 六、设置grub.conf 设置default=0的相关项 主要是将我们配置好的新的内核启动的设置为缺省启动 重新启动计算机 ...