brew install act MacPorts (macOS) sudo port install act Chocolatey (Windows) choco install act-cli Scoop (Windows) scoop install act AUR (Linux) yay -S act Nix (Linux/macOS) Nix recipe Global install: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.act or through nix-shell: nix-shell -p act Go (Linux/Windows/...
Hi I'm using mac os x(installed jsoncpp using brew install jsoncpp) and I found ${JSONCPP_LINK_LIBRARIES} was the required library to be linked. Sample CMakeLists.txt From the CMake docs: New in...
gtest编译 cd googletest 生成Makefile文件(先安装cmake,brew install cmake),继续输入命令编译: cmake CMakeLists.txt 执行make...也可以在编写断言时,提供一个自定义的错误信息,这个信息在失败时会被附加在Google Test的错误信息之后。 断言常常成对出现,它们都测试同一个类或者函数,但对当前功能有着不同的效...
boostc++cmake Cmake cannot find Boost libraries 我是Cmake的新手,并增强了C ++中的库。 我...
Selling coffee to local businesses is a simple concept but a great side business idea: You brew high-quality coffee and cold brew and deliver it fresh to local offices, cafés, or shops that want to offer their customers something unique. ...
47. Brew Your Own Beer It’ll take time to perfect your craft with this business, but most breweries start small. Like drinking beer? Why not try making it yourself as your side business idea? With enough patience and skill you might end up brewing something that others are willing to pa...
integrity sha512-UFpDDrPgM6qpnFNI+rh/p3bUaq9hKLZN8bMUWzxmcnZVS3omf4IPK+BrewlnWjO1WmUsMYuSjKh4UJuV4+Lqmw== dependencies: is-extglob "^2.1.0" is-glob@^4.0.0, is-glob@^4.0.1, is-glob@~4.0.1: version "4.0.3" resolved "
EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND brew --prefix openssl OUTPUT_VARIABLE OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) message(STATUS "Using OpenSSL found at ${OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR}") endif() endif() find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED) message(STATUS "Using OpenSSL include dir at ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DI...
- PATH=${DEPS_DIR}/cmake-install:${DEPS_DIR}/cmake-install/bin:$PATH # don't forget to switch back to the main build directory once you are done - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} before_script: # create a build folder for the out-of-source build - mkdir build # switch to build ...
@Gui13: Better than updating the PATH would be to tell cmake explicitly where the gcc it should use is, e.g. cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/lib/ccache/bin/g++ –cib Apr 29, 2014 at 14:36 3 After brew install ccache, I have /usr/local/Cellar/ccache/3.2.1/libexec/. –...