Lumber – to be carved for the riser. Either a large block (at least 3"x3"x20") or scraps will do. Couple of bolts, washers and wing nuts – to attach limbs to riser Nylon twine (or any low-stretch string)- for the bowstringWhat you'll need: Tools Handsaw Clamps Hand drill with...
Take the exit first and grabBlack Bolts x9andHeavy Crossbowright away. In this long hallway you'll find a Mind Flayer patrolling up and down. Lure him in towards the fork and take him out. Go down the hall and you'll find several cells, most of them you cannot open. One of them h...
For example, imagine a combat in which the wizard has run out of spells. All he has left is a crossbow he isn’t very good at shooting. Effectively, the wizard has run out of decision points. Aside from scampering away from monsters and firing off crossbow bolts, the wizard has no cho...