If you're binding curved edges, you'll want to cut your binding strips on the bias. Here's how to turn one square of fabric into a long length of bias binding easily! (See the tree skirt we reference in the video here.)By American Patchwork & Quilting Editors Published on November ...
Bias Binding Strips The grain in bias binding strips runs at an angle, so it moves at an angle from front to back after the binding is sewn to the quilt. A split would affect a fairly small area of the quilt's edge, giving you more time to make repairs. Learn how to make continuou...
5- Make bias tape and attach it! I usethis tutorialand used 2.25″ strips, folded over like quilt binding. I made about a yard of binding, which was plenty. If you’ve never attaching binding, Wendi has a great tutorial here. Here you can see the back! I love the hand stitching on...
100% cotton fabric (with a tight weave) 1/8″ flat elastic for ear loops, or 4 fabric ties (you can use the same cotton fabric to make strips, use pre-made bias binding, or strips of cotton jersey) fabric scissors ruler pins or clips sewing machine and thread Cut List For ...
Step 1: Cutting Your Bias Strips Bias tape is cut “on the bias” meaning diagonal to the selvedges of the fabric. You have to do it this way for it to work. The fabric stretches differently when you pull it against the grain. Test it out by pulling your fabric at the selvedges an...
Hobby Horse Materials: A Sock for the head (a stripy one would be fabulous) scraps for ears (I used some old jeans) some ribbon/ string/ bias binding/ leather strips/ curtain cords for halter wool (for mane), buttons for eyes (though you could probably use felt), ...
Sewing binding corners Bias tape neck and armhole finishing Measure around your pillow, or whatever you are making, to determine how much piping you need. Use the bias tape calculator to cut just the right size, always remembering to add on a little extra for overlap. You'll need to cut ...
3. Next you will need to cut bias strips of a contrasting fabric to the one used on the can, cut at a 45° angle from the selvedge edge. Cut the strips 4cm wide, then join them to form one continuous 2.5m length of bias binding. ...
Assembly: Embroider; insert padding between pieces and seam on right side; bind with bias binding; make a loop by using a 2 1/2 inch length of bias binding and fasten at dot at top. Teapot Holder: Cup & Saucer Directions: Transfer design onto felt material. Cut out felt, cutting along...
A little tricky with the curves, but you can either line it, or use bias binding to make it easier. None of my friends had ever sewn a garment before, and they turned out really great! I am a goddess A glorious female warrior Queen of all that I survey Enemies of fairness and ...