所以再作个优化,将第 1 种start改名为start.bash,再重新建一个start目标,让它依赖以上三者之一 ,例如,默认使用第 3 种的容器启动: start.bash:# script/start.sh ...start.sd:# systemctl start ...start.docker:# docker run ...start:start.docker 这种依赖关系,如果不是伪目标,而是当成真实文件看,就...
对于这个例子,我们需要 C++11 支持、一个可用的 Python 解释器以及 Bash shell: 代码语言:javascript 复制 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5 FATAL_ERROR) project(recipe-01 LANGUAGES CXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) find_package(Pytho...
1、查看shell脚本中执行的每一条命令和变量值 sh -x shellscript 或者 sh -v shellscript -x参数是显示过程 或者: shell脚本中添加如下命令: set -v 或者:#!/bin/bash -v 2、添加内置函数info, error或者warning打印信息 $(error $(LINK)) //打印变量LINK的值,并且编译报error$(warning $(LINK)) //...
The command script executes make 100 times. This makefile, called make-bash.mk, is executed 10 times by a parent makefile with this code: define ten-times TESTS += $1 .PHONY: $1 $1: @echo $(MAKE) --no-print-directory --silent $2; \ time $(MAKE) --no-print-directory --...
Set the default shell to bash (by default on Debian it's dash), this makes gtkdialog based programs work properly. CreateSave entry in Menu > Other Create 'live-boot' and 'porteus-boot' initrd (initrd.img and initrd1.xz) Make a remaster of the system (01-filesystem.squashfs) ...
This project provides a script for making customizedAlpine Linuxdisk images for x86_64 and aarch64[1]virtual machines. You can choose between BIOS mode (usingSyslinux, only for x86_64) and UEFI mode (using LinuxEFI stub). It’s quite simple (400 LoC of shell), fast (~32 seconds on ...
# Many distributions have the custom install script, /sbin/installkernel.# If DKMS is installed, 'make install' will eventually recurse back # to this Makefile to build and install external modules.# Cancel sub_make_done so that options such as M=, V=, etc. are parsed....
.PHONY: all all: bash bashbug Here thealltarget creates thebashshell program and thebashbugerror reporting tool. Phony targets can also be thought of as shell scripts embedded in amakefile. Making a phony target a prerequisite of another target will invoke the phony target script before makin...
install([[SCRIPT <file>] [CODE <code>]] [COMPONENT <component>] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] [...]) SCRIPT指定安装时需要执行的脚本;CODE指定的是CMake的命令,也在安装期间执行,比如: install(CODE "MESSAGE(\"Sample install message.\")") 6 执行安装 在构建编译完成之后,可以使用命令执行安装: cmake --...
Bash/KSH/SH Shell: Find The Length Of a String On a UNIX, Linux, BSD, and OS X 只有注册用户登录后才能阅读该文。 posted @2015-06-24 11:05春天播種,秋天才會收穫阅读(2)评论(0)推荐(0)编辑 macaddr 自動加 ":" 號 只有注册用户登录后才能阅读该文。