《Make It Stable》是一款旨在测试你平衡能力的MR益智游戏,你需要用各种古怪的日常物品搭建一座越来越高的塔。 这是Odders Lab开发的首款混合现实游戏,该工作室以《OhShape》、《Chess Club》和《Les Mills XR Bodycombat》等VR游戏而闻名。它是对人们最喜欢的消遣方式的有趣演绎,但不会造成塔倒塌后的混乱,看起来...
Odders Lab的首款MR作品 (映维网Nweon2024年08月21日)继《OhShape》、《Chess Club》和《Les Mills XR Bodycombat》之后,XR游戏工作室Odders Lab日前为AppleVisionPro和MetaQuest发布了首款MR作品:《Make It Stable》。 在这款单人物理游戏中,你的任务是使用各种各样的物体来平衡高塔。听起来简单,但做起来难。...
作品:Potato Tag V2 (Remake) 发行:2023年9月11日 价格:免费美元 头显:Oculus Quest系列 商店:Quest AppLab Store 评分:4.30/5分(评分数:6,评论数:0) 更新:2024年6月30日 分类:游戏 玩法:单机 题材:冒险,动作,社交 开发商:Angelkingcat 发行商:Angelkingcat Become A Potato Monkey!!!
Josh shares why he is on a quest to merge his background in aerospace studies and football with his interest in building a better Earth. Watch video (1:44 min.) Crossing the threshold Josh explores an innovative facility that is transforming how builders approach constructing for changing cond...
At Waters, we’re constantly innovating our mass spectrometry systems to improve human health, like this groundbreaking advance in breast cancer detection. The Quest for Safer, More Targeted Therapies for Patients August 29, 2023 ByFraser McLeod ...
One of the biggest sticking points many guys have in their quest to become more successful with women, is not knowing what to talk about when first meeting them. Make Small Talk Sexy by Bobby Rio is a product aimed at giving you the tools to create fun and engaging conversation so that ...
“Yuan Jing”, XR Lab, and the hiring of AYAYI as the digital mastermind of Tmall Super Brand Day. Technically, according to Ali Cloud insiders, the company has provided a complete set of visual computing solutions, from rendering to streaming to coding, for enterprises and applications in ...
You can’t make it out of things you find at the swap meet, on a McGiver quest. I called Amico, the new name for the over-the-counter joint I employed before. The owner never wanted to become entangled in the biz and survives to this day. Something’s wrong. Ppl have cut their ...
The Quest to Make Any Molecule: Total Synthesis with Hosea Nelson
At Waters, we’re constantly innovating our mass spectrometry systems to improve human health, like this groundbreaking advance in breast cancer detection. The Quest for Safer, More Targeted Therapies for Patients August 29, 2023 ByFraser McLeod ...