NodeJS是一个JavaScript运行时环境,而N-API、nan、node-gyp和cmake-js是用于编写NodeJS扩展模块的工具和库。 N-API是NodeJS提供的一套稳定的C/C++编程接口,用于编写跨版本和跨平台的NodeJS扩展模块。 nan是一个用于简化NodeJS扩展模块开发的库,提供了一组C++模板和宏。 node-gyp是一个用于编译和构建N...
nodejs/nodePublic Notifications Fork30k Star108k Files main .configurations .devcontainer .github android-patches benchmark deps doc lib src test tools typings .clang-format .cpplint .editorconfig .gitattributes .gitignore .gitpod.yml .mailmap
Node-API(以前称为 N-API)是 Node.js 官方提供的一个用来编写 C/C++ 插件的稳定模块。不同版本的...
Tasks should be preferably named by nouns. While the API of the classTaskmay be extended bytitled()in future,titleis a future proof task name. However, this rule is not that strict, as the example ofroot.hello.worldshows. It is just a matter of weighting the risc. ...
HTML API Google Search API Proxy Mode Data Extraction JavaScript Scenario HelpHow to make screenshots in NodeJSTaking a screenshot of your website is very straightforward using ScrapingBee. You can either take a screenshot of the visible portion of the page, the whole page, or an element of...
以前工作在node.js环境下,做微服务产品; 三年前转回到C++环境,已经有一些代码积攒。我将以往基于node.js与C++的相关项目结合起来(C++代码以addon插件嵌入...
I want to read and send json messages in nodejs from and to a java childprocess. The childprocess will live for some time. Messages sent and recieved via stdio represent events from and to the two pro... I'm getting 'module' object is not callable in Django Rest Framework ...
I want to read and send json messages in nodejs from and to a java childprocess. The childprocess will live for some time. Messages sent and recieved via stdio represent events from and to the two pro... I'm getting 'module' object is not callable in Django Rest Framework ...
nodejs8.11.2 node v8.11.2、OpenJDK 1.8.0_40、git、wget 1.14、zip 3.0、unzip 6.0、make3.82 curl 7.29.0、gcc 4.8.5、gcc-c++ 4.8.5、ant 1.9.4、automake 1.13.4、autoconf 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → Set Digest函数 inary反序列化。因此可以用varbinary来存储数据草图。 函数make_set_digest(x)...
1 # CMake.js (MIT) 2 3 ## About 4 CMake.js is a Node.js/io.js native addon build tool which works (almost) *exactly* like [node-gyp](, but instead of [gyp](, it is based on ...