API 资源类通常位于 app\Http\Resources目录中。 创建一个资源类 php artisan make:resource UserResource 创建一个资源类,如果已存在,强制覆盖 php artisan make:resource -f UserResource php artisan make:resource --force UserResource
Splade allows you to use the Laravel Blade template engine and build a single-page application using regular server-side routing without building an API. You still have the full power of Vue.js when you need it. Splade aims to stick as close as possible to the default Laravel features and...
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
我们在laravel开发时经常用到artisan make:controller等命令来新建Controller、Model、Job、Event等类文件。 在Laravel5.2中artisan make命令支持创建如下文件: make:auth Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes make:console Create a new Artisan command make:controller Create a new controller class m...
in Command at line 323 void setLaravel(Container $laravel) Set the Laravel application instance. Parameters Container $laravel Return Value void at line 40 protected string getStub() Get the stub file for the generator. Return Value string in GeneratorCommand at line 151 bool|null handle...
Thesignifly/laravel-shopifypackage allows you to easily make requests to the Shopify API. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require signifly/laravel-shopify The package will automatically register itself. Documentation ...
在链接图片中代码的第7行,更改:第一个月 致:use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
Api::checkScope($scope); }); } 開發者ID:mmanos,項目名稱:laravel-api,代碼行數:32,代碼來源:ApiServiceProvider.php 示例4: index ▲點讚 2▼ publicfunctionindex(Request $request){ $parameters = $request->route()->parameters(); $parser =newParser($parameters); ...
(3).运行autoheader,生成文件configure.h.in(现在一般改...MakeFile MakeFile: 一个工程中的源文件不计其数,按类型、功能、模块分别放在若干目录中,makefile定义了一系列的规则来指定,哪些文件需要先编译,哪些文件需要后编译,哪些文件需要重新编译,甚至进行更复杂的操作。因为m......
In this tutorial, we’ll make your Laravel app multi-tenant using the Tenancy for Laravel package. It’s a multi-tenancy package that lets you turn any Laravel application multi-tenant without having to rewrite the code. It’s as plug-and-play as tenancy packages get. Side note: In this...