今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:make no bones about. Bone是骨头的意思。Make no bones about就是不管是否会得罪别人,或是让别人感到尴尬,都直言不讳的意思。不过要记住,这里用的是复数bones. 我嫂子就是那种有什么说什么的人。 上星期天我们去餐馆吃牛排,服务员问...
Find no bones是指汤里没有骨头,容易吞咽,不会带来任何不好的后果。后来产生这个短语:make no bones...
今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:make no bones about。Make no bones about就是不管是否会得罪别人,或是让别人感到尴尬,都直言不讳的意思。不过要记住,这里用的是复数bones。我嫂子就是那种有什么说什么的人。 上星期天我们去餐馆吃牛排,服务员问我们是否可口,结果她毫不客气地说牛排烤过了头。She made no bones...
Your help can make a big difference! One U.S. dollar can buy a lot more in Ecuador than it can in the States. The organizers estimate $1,000 is needed per month to sustain the families in resistance. If we raise more, that money will go toward promoting their cause through meetings ...
make no bones about To be forthright and candid about; acknowledge freely:They make no bones about their dislike for each other. make off with To snatch or steal:made off with the profits. make (one's) day To give one great pleasure. ...
这句话的意思是:当罪人毫不犹豫地承认自己的罪时,导师会做什么呢?make no bones about sth:意为...
Seriously how even did they get together that just didn't make any sense to me. 说真的,他们怎么会在一起,对我来说毫无意义。 I've got a bone to pick with you. 我对你有意见。 No, not literally, I'm not gonna pick your bones or poke you with one. No. 不,不是字面意思,我不会挑...
(5)___half of the bones are in your hands and feet. Most body Bigges bone The humerus is the biggest bone. Different *It carries all of your weight and helps you (7)___around. (6)___of bones *The stirrup is (8)___than any other bone. Funny Bone *It helps you to hear the...
Make No Bones about It. a Little Bit of Sun Is Ideal; HEALTH We've All Been Warned to Take Care in the Sun Because of the Hazards of Skin Cancer and Ageing. but Skin Care Specialist Liz Earle Tells GABRIELLE FAGAN She Now Realises a Small Dose of Sun Is Essential for Bone Health...
state or deal with something awkward without any hesitation to be open and frank about something acknowledge something freely (verb) to be confident and sure about something (see example #8, 9, 10) Example Sentences She makes no bones about his feelings towards the protestors. He made no bone...