'active'=>false);//$breadcrumbs[] = array('name' => 'Edit Dashboard', 'url' => Dashboard::makeURL('edit',$graph),'active' => false);$breadcrumbs[] =array('name'=> $graph->prepareName(),'url'=> Graph::makeURL('edit',$graph),'active'=>false);...
php// Start the session.session_start();// Include the functions so you can create an URL.include_once'functions.inc.php';// Include the image handling class.include_once'images.inc.php';include_once'db.inc.php'; $db =newPDO(DB_INFO, DB_USER, DB_PASS);// Initial check.if($_SERV...
php/ext/google/protobuf/upb.h \ php/ext/google/protobuf/array.c \ php/ext/google/protobuf/encode_decode.c \ php/ext/google/protobuf/protobuf.h \ php/ext/google/protobuf/type_check.c \ php/ext/google/protobuf/def.c \ ...
Re: How do I make a constant string array You can't exactly do that. In fact, you can't really create a "Const" array in VB6. If you want to keep it as an array, I'd just do it in some initialization procedure, possibly with a global array. Code: Public c_argszHelp(0 to...
$string .= wp_list_categories( array( 'orderby' => 'name', 'show_count' => true, 'feed_image' => '/path/to/feed-image.png', 'echo' => false, ) ); $string .= ''; return $string; } add_shortcode( 'wpb-cat-feeds', 'wpbeginner_cat_feed_list' ); Hosted ...
And returns an array of sub strings. This enables to split an environment variable to multiple command arguments, for example:[env] MULTIPLE_VALUES="1 2 3 4" [tasks.split] command = "echo" args = ["@@split(MULTIPLE_VALUES, )"] [tasks.no-split] command = "echo" args = ["${...
A set of tools to make array_map more friendly. Contribute to tomphp/php-transform development by creating an account on GitHub.
add_filter('woocommerce_enqueue_styles','__return_empty_array'); Use the following code to remove only certain WooCommerce CSS: functionwpexplorer_remove_woo_styles($styles){unset($styles['woocommerce-general']);unset($styles['woocommerce-layout']);unset($styles['woocommerce-smallscreen']);return...
Built-infunctionsarepredeclared. Theyarecalledlikeanyotherfunctionbutsomeofthem accept a type insteadofan expressionasthefirstargument. The built-infunctions donothave standard Go types, so they canonlyappearincallexpressions; they cannot be usedasfunctionvalues. ...
<?php // array_unique($array) 去除重复 // array_unshif()向数组的顶部追加函数 // array_shif($a,"ss")向数组的顶部删除函数,返回删除的数 //array_pop($array);删除数组最后一个元素 //array_values($array) 得到数组的数值 // rtrim($a,",")删除右边多的逗号 ...