在Linux环境中,安装.tar.gz文件时遇到"make: *** 没有规则可以创建目标“install”。 停止"的错误,这通常是安装过程中的一个常见问题。以下是解决这个问题的步骤:首先,打开终端,可以通过系统搜索并输入"terminal"来找到它。然后,切换到下载文件所在的目录,输入命令"cd 下载",确保你已经在正确的...
Linux下automake工具使用(自动构建Makefile文件) 一、前言 linux环境下,当项目工程很大的时候,编译的过程很复杂,所以需要使用make工具,自动进行编译安装,但是手写makefile文件比较复杂,所幸在GNU的计划中,设计出了一种叫做Autoconf/Automake的工具,用来自动生成makefile文件,为编译和安装程序提供了一个方便快捷的入口。 ...
7.You can also uselolcatwith anyother Linux commandin the pipeline and get colored output in the terminal. For example, you cancreate an aliasfor themost frequently used commandsto get command output in a rainbow of colors. You can alias thels -l commandwhich is used for a long list of...
nano ~/.bash_profile When the.bash_profileor.zshrcfile is created you are ready to enter your alias commands. So here I am using the alias ‘l’ to alias the command ‘ls -lah’ alias l='ls -lah' Innano‘control+o’ to write the file out and ‘control+x’ to exit the file. ...
一,CMake简介CMake的全称是Cross-platform Make。我第一次参与Linux C++开发时使用的工具是Make,而后开始切换到CMake,一开始以为CMake是和C语言有关,原来开头的C表示它可以跨平台。 CMake的使用场景:跨平台编…
CMake的全称是Cross-platform Make。我第一次参与LinuxC++开发时使用的工具是Make,而后开始切换到CMake,一开始以为CMake是和C语言有关,原来开头的C表示它可以跨平台。 CMake的使用场景: 跨平台编译运行,交叉编译。一般基于CMakeLists.txt文件定义的编译构建规则来生成目标文件和目标库。
an alias is a special type of file that points to a file or folder. Aliases are similar toshortcuts in Windowsandsymbolic linksin Linux. They're also dynamic, which means that they will still link to the file or folder, even if you change the original item's location. An alias can ...
Re: An LCS Remake « Reply #39 on: October 12, 2018, 07:05:24 pm » Yeah, works now for me.Another thing I noticed is, that trying to give your founder an alias while choosing his background that includes a,b,c,d or e will instantly pick the corresponding answer. Logged j...
I do however suggest making an alias to the MinGW32-make executable, this is optional, so later in these instructions simply replace "make" with "mingw32-make" if you choose not to do this.Go to the bin directory in your installation folder, on my system it is "C:\programs\mingw-w...
To have an alias redirect per-platform, use the linux_alias, windows_alias, mac_alias attributes. In addition, aliases cannot be defined in platform override tasks, only in parent tasks.Extend AttributeUntil now, the override capability enabled to override the task with the same name from diffe...