it has plunged by 28.7%. The chip designer IPOed in September 2023. At the time, SoftBank had owned 90% of it, and it still holds a huge portion of it. In February, ARM had doubled in a matter of days:
When I was talking to one of the panhandlers she said that she might make 50 dollars in a day, and couldn’t afford even low income housing. I visually got to verify this as there was only one donation in an hour period, and it couldn’t have been for more than six or seven ...
The impending crisis is becoming more severe because of the malevolence of the Republican leadership. They are well aware that their formula of abject service to wealth and corporate power along with mobilization of a voting base of the kind that shows up at Trump rallies is not enough t...
It was a pretty powerful statement to me on the current standards of society that we need a new special term for something that just is what it is. As if we now need to specifically clarify that what you see really is what you get, rather than being able to rely on the assumption th...
Along with its use for Charitable or Donation-Based Causes, Crowdfunding also assists with Entrepreneurship; by Bringing Investors and Founders Together. It does so by allowing Entrepreneurs to grow their Investors beyond the original circle of Owners, Relatives and Venture Capitalists. ...