Closed as not planned As described in#7671 (comment) For activated non-baseconda environments,conda activatewill actually go ahead and set thePYTHONNOUSERSITEenvironment variable, I'm suggesting you do now yourself. By default it will not set it for thebaseenvironment, whether the base environment...
Names listed in a:keyword:`global` statement must not be defined as formal parameters or in a:keyword:`for` loop control target,:keyword:`class` definition, function definition, or:keyword:`import` statement. definition, function definition,:keyword:`import` statement, or variable ...
${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} "-c" "print('Hello, world!')" RESULT_VARIABLE _status OUTPUT_VARIABLE _hello_world ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) 最后,我们打印 Python 命令的返回值和输出: 代码语言:javascript 复制 message(STATUS "RESULT_VARIABLE is: ${_status}") message(STATUS "OUTPUT_VA...
include(/path/to/project-A/ProjectATargets.cmake) 执行此操作将为A的所有目标提供正确的属性集定义(如add_library()和add_executable()等命令)。 当然,我们不会手动写这样的文件——这不会是一个非常 DRY 的方法。CMake 可以用export()命令为我们生成这些文件,该命令具有以下签名: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ...
execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE clang_full_version_string ) string(REGEX REPLACE "Apple (.*) version ([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).*" "\\2" CLANG_VERSION_STRING ${clang_full_version_string}) message( STATUS "CLANG_VERSION_STRING: " ${CLANG_VERSION...
新增CUDA_ARCHITECTURES对 all 和 all-major.a 的支持 可以为find_*或 find 模块启用 DEBUG 消息。 define_property()新增了INITIALIZE_FROM_VARIABLE选项。 CMAKE_<SYSTEM_>IGNORE_PREFIX_PATH可以控制find_*的查找路径。 新增<CMAKE_>LINK_LIBRARIES_ONLY_TARGETS强制只链接目标(非常适合查找错误!) ...
-include awx/ui_next/Makefile PYTHON := $(notdir $(shell for i in python3.11 python3; do command -v $$i; done|sed 1q)) SHELL := bash DOCKER_COMPOSE ?= docker compose OFFICIAL ?= no NODE ?= node NPM_BIN ?= npm KIND_BIN ?= $(shell which kind) ...
--trace Put cmake in trace mode. Print a trace of all calls made and from where with message(send_error ) calls. cmake 2.8.6 Last change: June 17, 2014 4 User Commands cmake(1) --warn-uninitialized Warn about uninitialized values. Print a warning when an uninitialized variable is ...
However, it is not a good practice because you don’t know what names are defined in a_module and whether or not they will override any existing names in your current scope. Technical Note: When you from a_module import *, Python imports all of the names listed in a special variable ...
This is because the terminal window inside PyCharm is aware of the global $PYTHONPATH variable: However, when I write the sameimport helloworldin the PyCharm editor, save it as a file and run it (using the right-click, 'Run' comman...