第一类代表可执行程序的名字,例如 CC 代表编译器这个可执行程序;第二类代表程序使用的参数(多个参数使用空格分开),例如 CFLAGS 代表编译器执行时使用的参数(一种怪异的做法是直接在 CC 中包含参数);第三类代表安装目录,例如 prefix 等等,含义简单,下面只列出它们的默认值。 1.AR 函数库打包程序,可创建静态库.a文...
I know I’ve typed it a lot, but in my early days using Linux I didn’t really understand what it meant, I just knew that if I wanted to install software this was the spell to recite. Recently I’ve been building my own Unix tools, and I wanted to tap into this standard install...
I know I’ve typed it a lot, but in my early days using Linux I didn’t really understand what it meant, I just knew that if I wanted to install software this was the spell to recite. Recently I’ve been building my own Unix tools, and I wanted to tap into this standard install...
使用以下命令创建一个软链接文件,将其命名为 `symlink_file` :shell ln -s source_file.txt symli...
SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTR{size}=="234441648", SYMLINK+="my_disk" 设备级联linux内核实际上以树状结构展示设备, 这个信息通过sysfs显露出来,在书写规则时这非常有用. 例如我的硬盘设备的展示是一个SCSI磁盘设备的孩子, 这个SCSI磁盘设备又是一个ATA控制器设备的孩子, 该控制器又是PCI总线设备的孩子. 你很有...
./src/pdf2swf.1: The viewer swf to be used is determined by a symlink named "default_viewer.swf" in 匹配到二进制文件 ./src/pdf2swf.o 匹配到二进制文件 ./src/pdf2swf [root@localhost swftools-0.9.2]# vi swfs/Makefile.in 分别修改上面红色标注的2个文件, 将-o -L去掉; ...
-- Install configuration: "" -- Installing: /usr/lib/libhello.so.1.2 -- Installing: /usr/lib/libhello.so.1 -- Installing: /usr/lib/libhello.so -- Installing: /usr/lib/libhello.a -- Installing: /usr/include/hello/hello.h 如果报错: CMake Error: cmake_symlink_library: System Error...
makefile详解-实例版四个特殊符号的意义@、$@、$^、$< makefile中 rm、@rm 和 -rm的区别,虽然cmake已经很成熟了,但是make和Ninja(pg16采用Ninja而不是cmake)仍然广泛在使用中,并且相比cmake,make更加的透明。可以说掌握makefile是linux下开发
# make a symlink without spaces that points to the directory. BASEDIR ?= $(shell pwd) BUILDDIR := $(BASEDIR)/target/${PROFILE} PKG_BUILDDIR := $(BUILDDIR)/deps DOCSDIR := $(BASEDIR)/docsBUSYBOX_ROOT := $(BASEDIR)/tmp BUSYBOX_VER := 1.24.1 BUSYBOX_SRC := $(BUSYBOX_ROOT)/...
# archprepare is used in arch Makefiles and when processed asm symlink, # version.h and scripts_basic is processed / created.PHONY += prepare archprepare archprepare: outputmakefile archheaders archscripts scripts include/config/kernel.release \ ...