In fact I would go as far to say, that with his limited dialogue Level 5 have created the most endearing computer animated character since Pixar’s Wall-E. Once you have finished the game if you are hankering after some more Mansion action, then there are plenty of collectible gems hidden...
000 copies (in the US alone) and winning three Dice Tower Awards. The game is a favorite of both families and adult gamers, making it perfect for an animated adaptation. The story byJerry Hawthornefeatures wonderful imagery worthy of a DreamWorks or even a Pixar adaptation. I'm currently wo...
The message behind every Disney movie was clear. There's a price for watching our beautiful cartoons, kids: your heart is going to be ripped out at some point. Then Pixar came along and took the agony to new levels, only aimed at adults. "Oh, you wanna watch this silly CGI movi...
One remarkable cornerstone of Pixar is that you know no matter what, the movie will be stunning to look at. With the sheer number of lights and colors in the Land of the Dead scenes it’s hard to imagine each one of them was individually animated. Ironically, it’s only once Miguel ge...