Create stunning logos easily! Our beginner's guide for 2024 shows how to make a logo in Photoshop like a pro.
Unleash your imagination. Learn how to blend multiple images into a single image in this composite photography tutorial from visual artist Temi Coker.
5 steps to a photo mosaic in Photoshop. 1. Select and prepare your photos. Use as many images as you like, but 144 is a good number because it will get you closest to a perfect square. Consider using duplicate photos. In fact, using the same photos repeatedly helps make the pattern i...
Alternatley, If I open an image in Photoshop's ACR, and I create a mask, why can't it open with the mask as a layer. It seems, again, since the mask is already created, it should be no problem, barely an inconvience. Thank you for your consideration, ...
Learn the stuff they don't teach you in school. Inspiration and tutorials on design, business, film, photography, and more -- from your friends at Adobe.
Learn the stuff they don't teach you in school. Inspiration and tutorials on design, business, film, photography, and more -- from your friends at Adobe.
A tutorial of a cool logo design made in Photoshop CC. This tutorial will teach you how to create a neon shining effect on a logo. The tutorial is narrated and suitable for users of beginner and intermediate levels. How to make a logo: Little tips for big results Even if you have cert...
Any photography involvingportraitsis an excellent example of a photograph that may require a more invasive watermark. This tutorial will show you two ways of adding a simple watermark in Photoshop to your images. If you don’t have a logo, use the Text tool in Photoshop to create a simple ...
How to create a watermark in Photoshop How to turn a logo into a watermark How to add a watermark in Photoshop with an action How to add a watermark in Photoshop with a brush How to add a watermark in Photoshop to multiple photos at once Follow along with us over on our Envato Tuts+...
Sharpen your photo in Photoshop Let’s sharpen. But rather than use Unsharp Mask which works well, we will use a more advanced High-Pass Sharpening. Press Ctrl/Cmd+J to duplicate the top layer Change to Overlay Mode. It will look dark right now, but its just a transitional move....