Note-taking Mind maps transform the way you capture information. They replace linear note-taking with a dynamic, visual format. Use them during lectures to organize key points and concepts effectively. With mind maps, your notes become engaging visual snapshots, making revision a breeze and improvi...
In this tutorial, you will add a layout to a project; add layout elements such as map surrounds, text, and an overview diagram; and export the layout as a PDF file. Estimated time: 45 minutes Software requirements: ArcGIS Pro Note: The quick-start tutorials are updated at each software ...
For example, you can use OneMore to add Excel-like formulas to tables, apply custom font styles beyond OneNote’s basic options, and even add syntax highlighting to code snippets. I personally love the Navigator window, which keeps track of your recently visited pages and maintains a personaliz...
Note: Accessibility Assistant is now available exclusively for Microsoft Word on Windows. The features and instructions mentioned in this article apply only to the Windows version of Microsoft Word. In this article Check accessibility while you work in Word...
Note: Accessibility Assistant is now available exclusively for Microsoft Word on Windows. The features and instructions mentioned in this article apply only to the Windows version of Microsoft Word. In this article Check accessibility while you work in Word Use ac...
As a package with: sudo dnf install -y python3-sphinx Please note that Sphinx >= 3.0 will currently produce false-positive warning when the same name is used for more than one type (functions, structs, enums,...). This is known Sphinx bug. For more details, see: ...
Note:It is recommended to use a line spacing of 1.5 in the Word file. From the dropdown menu, select the desired line and paragraph spacing. For the step-by-step instructions on how to adjust the spacing, go to Adjust indents and spacing in Word. ...
Important to note thatgpt-4is significantly more expensive thangpt-4-turbo, but to avoid bumping into rate limits, we automatically balance queries acrossgpt-4-1106-preview,gpt-4,gpt-4-32k,gpt-4-0613,gpt-4-32k-0613. If you want to use a specific model alias with OpenAI (eggpt-4-1106...
Note: The script name in Cocos Creator is case-sensitive! If the capitalization is incorrect, you can't use the component based on its name. About renaming: If you enter the name of a component by mistake, you need to change the file name, class name, and decorator name to correct it...
NOTE : You also need to have all the right column transparent for all the characters, to render the text shadow without trouble!Use the same method as above, but with the "left" button!Save your new font, and do File > Export > Bitmap, save as "Font.png" in Graphics/System/Then ...