Thankfully, at the end Jennifer was given the all clear by her doctor and ended with afunny little celebrationdance. Only Jennifer could make getting a mammogram look like a fun walk in the park. "Every October I have a standing date. For a mammogram," she captioned the video of her c...
The article suggests tips for making mammogram appointments for women a fun time for female bonding. Sharon Marler, author of "The Mammy Slammy: Mammograms With Courage and Humor," began scheduling Mammy Slammy parties for herself and frien...
I put his card in a bag along with one of his stocking hats he had left from last year and a ball they play with all the time. I like to have fun with them. He looked in the bag and said, nanny! Happy Birthday!!! Here is the birthday boy. He was playing T-Ball. We like ...
My goal is to get them drawn in the next few days, although I kinda have a shit ton of crap going on, so we’ll see how that goes. In the background, with all the writing on it, is another possible deadline. One I’m interested in, at least…I’m going to have to read a ...
Hellin Kay Tina Fey\'s mammogram technician is also part of the Dope Squad A few actual celebs were recruited to join the "Dope Squad"... Hellin Kay Hellin Kay Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Though Schumer thought she was doing it for charity... [facebook ]https://w...